Networking And Gateways :: Installation Product Specific Prerequisite Checks Window?
Apr 18, 2010
in oracle instalation when Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks window appears it show me theres a warning with checking network configration as shown in pic.theres a sites says that its not necessary to make it succeeded and its ok to leave it. should i leave this warning or it should be succeeded?
I am trying to apply 14275572 this patch on our local database
DB : ORC it's on 11g ( OS : Redhat 5 (x86_64).
14275605 applied succesfully but 14275572 applying this patch getting below errors.
[Jan 5, 2013 7:37:36 PM] --------------------- Prerequisite for apply --------------------- [Jan 5, 2013 7:37:36 PM] Running prerequisite checks... [Jan 5, 2013 7:37:36 PM] Patch "14275572" is ignored as it is not a "Fusion Applications patch". [Jan 5, 2013 7:37:36 PM] Check if patch "14275572" is a no-op patch. [Jan 5, 2013 7:37:36 PM] None of the selected patches are no-op. patches.. [code]...
This patch requires some components to be installed in the home. Either the Oracle Home doesn't have the components or this patch is not suitable for this Oracle Home.OPatch failed with error code 39.
I am facing a issue on DBCA Installation, when i tried from off-shore.
a. When Iam connecting a server using production / Model VPN , and try to start Installing DBCA Using X11-Forwarding of putty, b. DBCA installation Started but its tooo Slow, it takes more than 3Hrs (Started at 9AM and ends at 11.17AM) c. First time it fails and second time its went to success, Whereas when i take alog of server ping request - I am getting a frequent "Requested time out" due to network fluctuation.
So let me know is the network fluctuation affects the Installation through VPN, if So how to overcome and is any workaround on that ?
Iam facing a issue on DBCA Installation, when i tried remotely from off-shore. Steps I followed
a. I Connected a onsite desktop through a remote desktop connection (RDP) by using Corp-VPN from off-shore. b. In the Remote Desktop, again by using production / Model VPN , connected the server which i need to Install DBCA c. Using X11-Forwarding of putty, Started the DBCA installation. d. Applied all the Parameters and on Finally clicking Finish to Start the database Creation, Finish button not responding and i can't continue the DBCA Installation.
I have oracle10g installable in .rar format. I have unzipped it and started installer through setup.exe file, but in the secnd step itself it is asking product.xml file location , i searched entire installables but could not find any thing with such name, installing this oracle 10g on windows 2003 server.
(CONNECT_DATA = (SID = PLSExtProc) (PRESENTATION = RO) ) ) /*----------------------------------------------------*/ sqlnet.ora # This file is actually generated by netca. But if customers choose to # install "Software Only", this file wont exist and without the native # authentication, they will not be able to connect to the database on NT.
I have one production server with oracle 11g R2 DB. I have to change Server Hardware and thats why I have to install oracle 11g R2 DB on New hardware and test it. I had installed DB with software only option and copied the cold backup of production server. The hostname and ip address of both the servers are different. I had change the "db_domain" parameter into init.ora with the hostname.Now my question is that can the same db runs on the same network with different hosts. Change of "db_domain" parameter into the init.ora is enough or i have to follow some other procedure.
i have installed grid(crs+asm) on my two linux node(Enterprise linux 5) setup, using openfiler(SAN) , i have configure grid Home like ORACLE_ HOME=/ u01/ home/app/11.2.0/grid.
1) i don't get any instance specific asm parameter file like init+ASM1.ora instead of that i got ab_+ASM1.dat, hc_+ASM1.dat, init.ora, orapw+ASM four files, do i need to create ASM instance specific parameter manually to create diskgroup in the same location,
2) +DATA diskgroup has been created while grid installation, but when i try to create database, its giving me error diskgroup +DATA doesn't exit or not mount, but when i check it shows me mount like below $cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs (here oracle home is grid home)$export ORACLE_SID=+ASM1$sqlplus / as sysdba>select name,state from v$asm_diskgroup; name state DATA Mounted even i cant able to dismount diskgroup DATA, it throws an error insufficient privilege.
3) After grid installation how can one create diskgroup i mean what needs to exported as ORACLE_SID like in 10g we have $export ORACLE_SID=+ASM1 then creat diskgroup.
I installed Oracle Express on my Windows 2003 Enterprise server. And right off the bat I cannot connect to it via command line. I have googled and read many sites, but am still getting the same error, no matter what I do. I am newbie again (was a DBA in 1990...when I used to have the same error and fix it in seconds...not sure why this problem still lingers in Oracle) so most likely I am overlooking something. Below are my tnsnames.ora and liserner.ora files
# This file is actually generated by netca. But if customers choose to # install "Software Only", this file wont exist and without the native # authentication, they will not be able to connect to the database on NT.
My client get the error Ora-12514 when he tries to connect to the db.Well;
1) we restart the services: "OracleServiceOrcl" and listener but nothing changes 2) We restart the server and nothing changes 3) We checked the dump and he was done on March,26th. No db export yesterday. Is there any link with the clock change of this week-end (location of the server: France)? 4) The lsnrctl services listener command run successfully but it doesn't mention the instance ORCL.
I have an Access DB which I'm using to connect to an Oracle DB at work. There are several Oracle DB's that I can connect to using Access but this one I'm not able to connect to. I get the Oracle error ORA-25153 Temporary Table Space is empty.
I don't have the ability to make changes to the Oracle DB only to read and query.
When I run the below query, the session got the below errors exactly after 1 hour. I checked profile, resource limit, and sqlnet.expire_time. The SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME value is 10. Except expire time there is time limit in profile and resource. I dont know how this session is losting connection exactly after 1 hour. What could be the issue here and what else need to check it?
14:34:09 SQL> << DELETE query >> ERROR: ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE DELETE FROM amsoftinstall
I'd got this error, TNS-12542, address already in used on my multithreaded application.
After finding some documents about this error, it happen because other application used same port as my listener. But i'd assured that only my listener, but it didn't happen in the first running process, but after some processes (hundreds of processes).
We're deploying a new product release however this build uses Oracle 11G. We want to perform a side by side install for testing purposes. These are low usage systems so installing another Oracle build will not hinder the system.
We intend to test for a couple of weeks and migrate data, then uninstall the 10G. I'm in the process of installing 11G now, the 10G is up and running. I don't want to impact the 10G install. I'm installing 11G in /home/oracle/oracle11G directory. I would like to use 1 Listener.ora file. I've broken down the install bellow.
10G SID "processing" Oracle home /home/oracle/oracle10g /mnt/Oracle/Oracle10GData /mnt/Oracle/OracleRedoLog
11G SID "processing11G" Oracle home /home/oracle/oracle11g /mnt/Oracle/Oracle11GData /mnt/Oracle/Oracle11GRedoLog
Do I need to specify the databasename for Processing2? Also the front end boxes (managers) are two different servers so Processingweb1 and processingweb2.
I want to connect ORACLE-11gR2 that is on linux with an MS sql server. DO i need to use some third party drivers like easy soft ? Can i configure the database gateway without any third party drivers ?
Secondly if my oracle is on linux, can i configure the gateway on a seperate windows machine(that will connect to linux oracle and ms sql server) as i have found the gateway installation setup only for windows version.
I would like to implement connect time fail over from my JDBC thin client. The client will try to first connect with dedicated connection mode, if the connection time crosses more than two seconds, then connection will be opened with shared mode. To implement this, I have put the following connection string in my JDBC URL. I am able to connect to database with this URL, however it seems fail over does not work. Is it because, my database listener is not configured with dynamic service registration. If I implement the dynamic service registration, is fail over going to work? Note, I want to fail over in the same database instance but with different listener.
Which parameters are required in init file for 'Dynamic Listener Registration'? (for default port/ protocol). I understand that Local_listener is required only if we are using not default protocol, port.
Also which cases we need listener.ora file? I understand we need it for 'Duplicate Database' using RMAN as well as for 'Data Guard'. what else will need it?
We had an escalation wherein one of team members accidentally deleted an LDAP entry for a database. We use Oracle Net Manager to add/delete the connect descriptor.
Are there any logs using which we can find out as to who deleted the entry.
1. I have two remote Windows machines with database on each. One is Win 2003 Server (machine A) and another one is Win XP (machine B)
2. I can ping from A to B.
3. I can ping from B to A.
4. I can tnsping from A to B.
5. I CAN'T tnsping from B to A.
6. Windows Firewall on both machines are off.
What could be possible reason for point# 5?
Scenario 2:Now, the second part:
1. I had an unwanted entry in tnsnames.ora on B which I removed.
2. Then I restarted the listener on B. Actually, I wanted to restart the one on A to check if that resolves issue mentioned in point# 5 above.
3. I tried tnsping from A to B but suprisingly it is also giving "operation timed out" error now. So now tnsping not working from either sides.
I didn't make any changes in listener.ora on B, just stopped it and started again. Only change made was removing unwanted entry in tnsnames.ora on B.
Why does that affected database connectivity from A to B which was working fine previously?
NOTE: The two machines are connected through VPN using LogMeIn Hamachi. Hamachi assigns it's own IP address to each machine. Machine A is Windows Server 2003 and B is Windows XP.
I am having a problem getting my listener to start.
[oracle@jhlinux ~]$ lsnrctl start LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 01-MAR-2011 23:26:30 Copyright (c) 1991, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Starting /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/bin/tnslsnr: please wait... TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production System parameter file is /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora Log messages written to /u01/app/oracle/diag/tnslsnr/jhlinux/listener/alert/log.xml Listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)( [code]...