I'm working on my database homework, and I came across an error that I cannot seem to fix. I'm getting a missing right parenthesis error on line 7, but I seem to have all my parenthesis, endless I'm overlooking one.
SELECT node_nme, os_nme, os_vrsn_nme, CPU_QTY, mch_id_nme FROM node_t WHERE node_nme IN ( SELECT DISTINCT upper(node_nme) as node_nme FROM node_t WHERE row_status_cde IN (1,4)
Now, when I run this i get the missing parenthesis error, though I don't konw why.The subselect in the IN works fine and returns exactly what it should.
I have been looking at this now for a good 2 hours. It seems like a simple error but I just cant see it. I must of counted the brackets 20 times. I have run this code in SQL developer using actual values and it works fine.
If your wondering about the esig class it just runs the sql with a few other SQL statements. I have changed the code below to a SELECT * statement just so see if it was actually that statement that was the problem. The select worked so it must be this.
Original - oracle Code
I have following query. I checked manytime but I am unable to find the reason of error Ora-00907
SELECT Working_Days(sdate,edate), Ddecode(Physical_files Between 1 And 500 And Working_Days(sdate,edate) Between 1 And 30,-1, decode(Physical_files Between 501 And 3000 And Working_Days(sdate,edate) Between 1 And 180,-1,0)) col2 FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1_Sno=table2_Sno
In this query, working_days is function that return working days.
If I remove this line then the SQL runs without problems. I think it's the first part FAF_CALC_CCONTRIB (FA_ASSESSMENT.IDENTIFIER,'C'thats causing the problems because I am using near identical code in another script which works perfectly.
SELECT inst_id, SID, serial#, module,username, machine, action, logon_time,status,event FROM gv$session WHERE SID in ( SELECT sid,id1,request FROM GV$LOCK WHERE (id1, id2, type) IN (SELECT id1, id2, type FROM GV$LOCK WHERE request>0) ORDER BY id1, request )
And I received the following error message
ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis
But when I execute
SELECT inst_id, SID, serial#, module,username, machine, action, logon_time,status,event FROM gv$session
SELECT sid,id1,request FROM GV$LOCK WHERE (id1, id2, type) IN (SELECT id1, id2, type FROM GV$LOCK WHERE request>0) ORDER BY id1, request
separately. It works fine. Why is it erroring out when I include the query in WHERE clause. Rather than the work around, I would like to know the reason for the need of right paranthesis.
I am new to Pl/SQL, I have created the following statement but I am getting ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis 00907. 00000 - "missing right parenthesis"
I'm trying to create a Top / Bottom query from an example i already have but when i executed it, i got an error:
ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis
The coding i've got is:
SELECT customer_id, forename, surname, start_date_time, end_date_time, pos FROM ( SELECT customer_id, forename, surname, start_date_time, end_date_time, row_number() over ( partion by start_date_time order by customer_id asc) pos from customer, phone_call) where pos = 1;
The error is on the partition line but i've closed all the open brackets,
expdp test/test directory=dmpdir dumpfile=wip.dmp logfile=wip.log tables=wip_runcard query=wip_runcard:'"where org_id=51 and time<to_date ('2011-01-01 00:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and ship_time is not null and wip_route=999 and used_status=5"'
but error:
ORA-31693: Table data object "TEST"."WIP_RUNCARD" failed to load/unload and is being skipped due to error: ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis
Can I use CASE statement Inside a Oracle Report Query. I'm using Oracle Reports Builder 10g.
My Report Query looks like this,
select invh_code, invh_number, invh_date, invh_cm_code, im_description from invoice_head, invoice_det, unit_of_measurement, item_master where invd_invh_code = invh_code and im_code = invd_item_code AND (case :p_flag when 1 then (substr(invd_item_number,0,(length(invd_item_number)-4)) BETWEEN :P_V_ITM_FRM AND :P_V_ITM_TO) else 1 end) order by invh_number
:p_flag is a parameter that i pass from oracle form and based on that value (:p_flag=1) i need to include this specific condition else omit that condition.
But the CASE statement is throwing Error
ORA-00907 :Missing Right Paranthesis (case :p_flag when 1 then (substr(invd_item_number,0,(length(invd_item_number)-4)) ==> BETWEEN :P_V_ITM_FRM AND :P_V_ITM_TO)
We are processing spatial data from another source to display in our GIS environment. The data is a set of multi lines. The gtype is 2006. A typical geometry looks like:
Now, this is not an actual multiline... it's just encoded as a multi line, but if you look at the coordinates you'll see that the end point of the first line is the same as the beginning of the second line (105094.84, 195084.96).
I tried writing a decode statement but it doesn't work as expected. The data I'm working has 4 different brand names with an associated code. I tried using decode to get the 4 brands to be on one line like this: Description, Inventory_Item, Product_Line, Product_Type, Brand_1, Brand_2, Brand_3, Brand_4..I still get 4 lines with the Brands displayed like a stair steps.
What do I have to do to get the data on one line? My code is as follows:
Begin str := '...' .... f1 := utl_file.Fopen('EXT_REP_DIR',b,'W',32767); utl_file.Put(f1,str);
Loop .... utl_file.Put(f1,str); End Loop; utl_file.Fclose(f1); End
There would be around 100000 records and I want everything in 1 line(i.e no line breaks). I'm getting error ORA-29285, WRITE_ERROR...By using PUT_LINE, the size of the file is for 10000 records is 3035542. But, I can not use PUT_LINE as this will put NEW_LINE at end of line.
My query is suppose to capture the student's number, date of birth, and number of students which that students mentors. I am suppose to show only the 5 oldest students
SELECT s.std_num, s.birth_date, COUNT(s2.mentor_num) From Student s left outer join Student s2 on s2.mentor_num=s.std_num GROUP BY s.std_num, s.birth_date ORDER BY s.birth_date ASC;
This function works but the problem is in displaying the five records because whenever I apply the rownum<=5 function the counter returns incorrect results. I tried writing another query to fix it but I could not dispay the counter anymore
SELECT ROWNUM as SENIOR, s.std_num, s.birth_date, COUNT(s2.mentor_num) FROM (SELECT s1.std_num, s1.birth_date, COUNT (e2.super_id) From Student s left outer join Student s2 on s2.mentor_num=s1.std_num GROUP BY s1.std_num, s1.birth_date ORDER BY s1.birth_date ASC) S WHERE row_num<=5;
This code only works if I remove the count in the first line but I need to display the number in my result.