Init Parameters After Patching

Jan 16, 2013

Database version: Patch 45 on Windows 2003

1. Documentation says to set "_first_spare_parameter" to resolve bug 6904068. What should be the value if we actually see this bug occurring after applying the patch. How can we determine that we need this parameter to be turned on?

2. How can we determine we need to set "_third_spare_parameter"? How can we check if there is a regression on log files?

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RCU-6107 / DB Init Param Prerequisite Failure For / PROCESSES

Jan 22, 2013

I want to install datbase schemas using RCU but it is throwing me an message

"RCU-6083:Failed - Check prerequisites requirement for selected component:WEBCENTER
Please refer to RCU log at C:OracleRCUofm_rcu_win32_11.
cu.log for details.
RCU-6107:DB Init Param Prerequisite failure for: PROCESSES
Current Value is 150. It should be greater than or equal to 300."

I tried to change the process using SQL> alter system set processes=300 scope=spfile; and got the msg that system altered but still the error persisit. I reffered to a link RCU-6107, RCU-6092 for the same here it is mentioned in one ofthe post that some user has changed it manually ion init.ora file... Changing manually or through cmd ....

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Server Administration :: Differences In Versions According To Init-parameter Compatible

Dec 15, 2010

How oracle deals with the setting of init.ora parameter compatible.

e.g. we have
DB Version=

what is the possible leak for us ? Is there any description about the features changed in 10.2 up to in all steps - so that we can check out which functions we do not have.

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Server Administration :: Patching From Oracle To

Jun 7, 2013

I am trying to upgrade and 64bits Oracle database from to (after that ill install .6) But when i try to upgrade the binaries, i get a message that does not find the instance to upgrade.If i skip that msg and try to upgrade the binaries only, i get another one message that in that ORACLE_HOME there are another binaries installed and it forces to choose another directorie.Then i try to set my enviroments variables using . oraenv but (as oracle owner) i don't have permissions over . oraenv.

That's make me think that someone does a bad installation then i tried to fix it using $ORACLE_HOME/install/ and i did not found it (after searching on metalling i found the note 834626.1 that says that in Oracle 11 there is not anymore Originally i moved binaries to another directory and installed (after changing the loc on xml of the oraInventory) and installed the binaries in my old ORACLE_ HOME and imported init, listener, tnsnames and works fine. But there are a lot of databases with the same problems and i don't wanna use the same workaround.

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Patching Cluster From To

Aug 15, 2012

I'm a long time Oracle DBA but have only recently started with RAC and have never done any patching or upgrades in a RAC environment.

My environment consists of a 2 node RAC cluster, and 2 physical standbys at separate remote locations.

The database, GI, ASM, and clusterware are all at version

I want to upgrade all components to the latest patchset which is Eventually I also want to apply the latest PSU.

Can I do this without down time? It is a mission critical database where downtime could conceivably endanger lives. If it can't be done with zero downtime, then downtime must be kept to an absolute minimum (minutes, not hours).

I suspect the clusterware needs to be patched first and I do not know whether I can do it on one node at a time.

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Patching Strategy For Production Environment

Jun 25, 2013

Need patch strategy specially for production environment?? We have production environment and we are planning to patch our databases using PSU pacthes with no downtime. Our production environment has standby. We have one option that we can make standby to primary. Is there any other options that we can use?

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Enterprise Manager :: Configure Patching Setup In OEM

Nov 11, 2011

I'm trying to configure the patching setup in OEM(11g) and when I tried testing the connection to URL...., it errord out saying "Gateway timed out. Either you need to setup proxy or there is no process listening on the remote port".

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Real Application Clusters :: PSU Patching And Grid Infrastructure Installation

Jun 25, 2012

GRID version: ,
Platform : AIX 6.1

We install grid using Grid Installer GUI. When doing a fresh installation of Grid Infrastructure or in a new server , I want to apply its latest PSU as well. When should I do this PSU patching ?

A. Should I apply the GI PSU after the entire Grid installation is successfully completed ?


B. Should I apply the GI PSU just before running the ?

i.e. when the installer prompts you to run (see the screenshot below)


At this stage(before running the GI binaries are in place . So , I can apply the PSU on these binaries? Right?Should I follow option A or B above ?

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Application Express :: Creating Form Based On Table After Patching Apex

Aug 16, 2013

We use Apex 4.2 with Apex Listener. Recently we patched apex to 4.2.2 and now when we try to create a form based on a table, after selecting the schema and table we get the following error: "You do not have access to the schema that you are importing.

Import failed" I've seen some posts regarding this error but nothing that works with my current situation. The database grants are in place.

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Get Parameters Only Specify To SQL

Jun 14, 2013

Oracle Version: OEL 6.1 

For diagnosing a performance issue related to a batch run, our application teams wants to know all session/system level parameter that affects SQL performance.  I can't simply give an output of v$ and v$parameter.

value as there will lots of parameter not related SQL performance like  


I am looking for only those parameters which are relevant to SQL performance, like


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Use Pivot With Parameters

Apr 16, 2013

How can you use pivot with a parameter? If you attempt to use a parameter then an ORA-500: bind variable not supported is given

Below is a simplified version of the sql to illustrate teh problem.

create table test_pivot
ord_no number,
qty number,
loc varchar2(10)
insert into test_pivot values (123, 3, 'LOC1');
insert into test_pivot values (123, 2, 'LOC1');
insert into test_pivot values (234, 4, 'LOC1');
insert into test_pivot values (234, 5, 'LOC1');

-- this one is fine

Select * From
Select Ord_No, Qty, Loc
From Test_Pivot
Where Ord_No In ('123', '234')
Pivot (Sum(Qty) For Ord_No In ('123', '234') )

-- how to use pivot with parameters

Select * From
Select Ord_No, Qty, Loc
From Test_Pivot
Where Ord_No In (:Ord1, :Ord2)
Pivot (Sum(Qty) For Ord_No In (:Ord1, :Ord2) )

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Declare And Set Parameters

Dec 22, 2010

the same query i put below but in oracle.

I'm trying to declare and set parameters in oracle

I'm trying to do something similar as the follow SQL Server Sentence:

@City varchar(255)

SET @Year = 2010
SET @City = ''NY','NJ''


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Forms :: How To Use Parameters

Nov 21, 2011

I want to ask that how can I use parameters in forms? I have created 2 parameter pm_rollnum and pm_classname but I don't that how I use it in form that when end user enter its value in these parameter result should be open.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Nls-session-parameters?

Sep 26, 2011

I just upgraded my version of my oracle from 9 to 11.2g.When I tried to execute some queries in PL/SQL i keep getting an
annoying error : "ORA-01843 not a valid month."

I realized that if I execute the following query:alter session set NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=AMERICAN;before every query that I want to execute, then it's executed fine.

I preformed the next queries:
1. select * from nls_database_parameters;
2. select * from nls_instance_parameters;
3. select * from nls_session_parameters;

and I saw that the fields in the "nls_session_parameters" vieware not derived from "nls_database_parameters" "nls_instance_parameters".

How can I derive the parameters from the instancedatabase view into the session view?I want that the "nls_date_language" parameter will always be 'AMERICAN'.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Parameters With In Clause

Oct 17, 2011

How to how to get this sql to work?

select a.in_house_ref
from media_item a
((&rack is null) or a.in_house_ref in (&rack));
--a.house_media in ('CH127600','BF101042'), example values

I've tried the a.in_house_ref in (:rack) by itself and that doesn't work for the values above and hence changed it to (&rack) and that works. The issue I run into now is that the the paramater can be null, ie., no values need be entered by users and hence I put the is null statement. When I run the full statement above, oracle returns an error, i.e. , ORA-00936: missing expression.

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Purpose Of Kernel Parameters

Aug 26, 2011

what is the purpose of kernel parameter while creating database.

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How To Use Parameters In Plsql Procedure

Oct 21, 2010

I have excel file which I am reading through plsql procedure using UTL_FILE utilities, one of the column in the excel has multiple values in the same column, I am getting the values into plsql, but when it is coming to where clause its not working.

in excel the column has : 'ABC','GEH','HGT',LTP'

create or replace procedure abc(temp_col varchar2)
WHERE TCOL IN temp_col;

This is not working, if the column in excel has one value say ('ABC') then the above sql is working, if it has more than one value its not working.

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Function With Null Parameters

Mar 17, 2009

i have a function which takes in two variables and return a varchar.

ex: Function(var1,var2) return as varchar2.

in the function,i query a table for var1 and var2 and concatenate the result set to return a varchar. But if either var1 or var2 is null,then my query in the function fetches the result set for the other variable.

My question is,how would i pass a null value through the function and handle it in the function.

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Function Return Parameters

Dec 5, 2006

The function definition in PL/SQL has IN OUT parameter as well as return statement. Using both we can return the values. Basic definition of a function is function can return only one value at a time.

The question is, Can we return a number thru return statement and a char value thru INOUT parameter. Is it possible to return two different values using these?

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Extract DDL's Without Storage Parameters?

May 11, 2005

I need to extract DDL's without storage parameters. if i use the export and import using indexfile or if i try to extract using the DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL package , in both ways my output is with the storage parameters



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SQL & PL/SQL :: Using NVL Function With Parameters In A Procedure?

May 16, 2011

I am currently studying a Foundation degree in computer software development, and one of my assignment in PL/SQL I am stuck on one of the tasks.

I have to create a procedure where one of the parameters needs to have a default value of one, if no value is entered when the procedure is called. I have trued to use the NVL function which worked when using a anonymous block, but now I have to convert that to a procedure. My problem is I'm getting an error.

The code for the procedure is

(p_number_of_classes NUMBER := NVL(NULL,1), -- This will enter a default value of 1 if the user does not specify a number
p_course_id classes.course_id%TYPE,
p_period classes.period%TYPE,
p_frequency classes.frequency%TYPE,


I then use this to test it


and the error I get is

Quote:ORA-06550: line 2, column 4:
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'ADD_NEW_CLASSES'
ORA-06550: line 2, column 4:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored
2. add_new_classes(1002,'first','daily',3002);
3. END;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calling A Function With Parameters?

Feb 27, 2011

When I replace the params manualy with dates in format of:

'27-feb-2011 08:00:00'

I get the real output.

But when I call the function with the TEST button in the PLSQL I don't get any output (Empty table).

Here is the original function (Bad output) and attaching a file with manuly added dates (Good output):

FUNCTION WhatRoomsTaken(dStartTime date, dEndTime date, dEventDate date)
RETURN Genrefcursor IS
Retval Genrefcursor;
open Retval for


Why do I need to change in order to get the good output by calling the function with params?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Pass Timestamp Parameters

Sep 13, 2013

In my task I am trying to pass a timestamp datatype as one of the input parameter to a procedure in the package.But I am not sure how to give data for it while executing and testing it from anonymous block.

PACKAGE body ac
PROCEDURE ac_ex_wbdb_keycats(
In_Sale_Location_Id IN NUMBER,
In_Start_Datatime IN TIMESTAMP,
In_Stop_Datatime IN TIMESTAMP,
v_refcur OUT sys_refcursor)


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Created One Procedure With 4 In Parameters

Aug 20, 2013

i created one procedure with 4 in parameters and 1 out parameters(return the value) but whenever execute this procedure i got the error i.e pl/sql: Compilation unit analysis terminated.

PLS-00201:identifier T_USER_PLDATA' must be declared.


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Ref Cursors For Passing Parameters?

Mar 20, 2013

type ref_cur is ref cursor;
r ref_cur;
enam emp%rowtype;
dno dept.deptno%type;
dbms_output.put_line('The Employee details are');
open r for select deptno from dept;
fetch r into dno;


Error at line 1
ORA-06550: line 12, column 28:
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "FOR" when expecting one of the following:

. ( % ;

if i need to use ref cursor to send parameters, is it possible? if yes how to use it?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculate Two Parameters A And B Which Are Interdependent?

Mar 2, 2010

I want to calculate two parameters A and B which are interdependent. Unfortunately, my code is not working correctly:

create table temp_res1 as
select *
from temp_res
dimension by (rn)
measures ( 0 as A,
0 as B


The correct result should be:

create table temp_res (rn integer, a integer, b integer);
insert into temp_res values(1, 5, 10);
insert into temp_res values(2, 11, 6);
insert into temp_res values(3, 7, 12);
insert into temp_res values(4, 13, 8);
insert into temp_res values(5, 9, 14);
insert into temp_res values(6, 15, 10);
insert into temp_res values(7, 11, 16);
insert into temp_res values(8, 17, 12);

but I get:

create table temp_res (rn integer, a integer, b integer);
insert into temp_res values(1, 5, 10);
insert into temp_res values(2, 11, 6);
insert into temp_res values(3, 1, 12);
insert into temp_res values(4, 1, 2);
insert into temp_res values(5, 1, 2);
insert into te

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PL/SQL :: How To Set Multiple Parameters In One EXECUTE IMMEDIATE Sql

Jun 26, 2012

I want to set both nls_language and nls_date_language, and set them as different languages. fnd_global.set_nls_context() doesn't work. So I think maybe I can use the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE, and add them together into one statement.

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PL/SQL :: To Create A Procedure Which Have 3 Parameters

Jan 11, 2013

I would like to create a procedure which have 3 parameters. suppose in Date_birth, in Dept , out number_of_records

if i pass null value to one of the parameter it should return all values . if a pass value to the parameter it should return as per parameter values

Create or replace Procedure Emp_Test (P_dop in Date,P_Dept in number , P_noof_records out Number,
p_recordset Out Sys_Refcursor) as
OPEN p_recordset FOR
Select Emp_cd,Emp_name, Date_of_Birth,Dept,Count(emp_Cd) noof_records
From Emp_Master Where Date_of_birth =P_date_of_Birth
and Dept=P_dept ;
End ;

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How To Get Information Of Hidden Parameters

Sep 16, 2012

)How do you view the value of the parameter that is being used by instance? show parameter..?
2)How do you get the information of hidden parameters
3)What is the database object that stores information related to various types of db connections over network
4)How do you verify since when the db session is running
5)How do you verify the Originating machine details of the database session
6)How do you verify the name of program that the db session is running
7)What is the naming convenion of Base tables. Where is the information of base tables stored?
8)How are dynamic views created. Whre is the information of dynamic views stored?

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Parameters For Table Containing Only Inserts

Apr 1, 2013

I'm on 11.2 DB and need to create an audit table that will be populated by DB triggers of other tables (after Insert,Update and Delete). The triggers will only ever be inserting data into the audit table. I have read that for insert only tables, you should define the 'pctfree' as 0. Is this correct? Do I need to set any other params (like pct_used) for tables only ever being inserted into?

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