Importing Metadata For Transportable Tablespace

Nov 20, 2012

We are migrating one of our databases from linux to AIX (testing phase). We're using transportable tablespace for the same. All steps are done and we're stuck during importing the metadata. While importing metadata we require to mention fully qualified datafile name which has to be plugged. The number of datafiles is 309 and the name of the all the datafiles has to be in one line. Now if we try to write it in one line using vi editor, the editor gives error 'ex: 0602-140'.

Is there a way by which we can overcome this situation?

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Server Utilities :: Transportable Tablespace

Jul 24, 2010

I want to transportable tablespace feature of EXP/IMP. I did it with no error. But when I check user by user I found that no Function Procedures were imported. How to deal with these objects using transportable tablespace feature.

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Server Utilities :: Migrating Using Transportable Tablespace?

Jun 3, 2012

I am using transportable tablespace to migrate from 10g to 11g from Windows to Linux System.

The steps are as follow On 10g make the tablespace read only mode and export the metadata information and copy the tablespace datafiles to the 11g server. Now on 11g when i am importing the exported metadata it says that the user does not exist and if i create the user and tablespace it does not work as it says tablespace already exist.

For transportable tablespace do i have to create the user already on 11g ? If yes then i also need to create the tablespace which i need to assign to the user.

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Why Transportable Tablespace For Platform Migration Of Same Endian Format

Jun 18, 2012

RDBMS Version :

We are planning to migrate our DB to a different platform. Both platforms are of BIG endian format. From googling , I came across the following link [URL]

In this IBM document, they are migrating from Solaris 5.9 (SPARC) to AIX 6 . Both are of BIG endian format.Since they both are of same endian format can't they use TRANSPORTABLE DATABASE ? Why are they using RMAN COVERT DATAFILE (Transportable tablespace ) ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Using DBMS-METADATA To Transform Tablespace DDL?

May 18, 2010

I'm currently busy with database consolidation, so I'm searching for a solution to generate some useful DDL to prepare the new target database before importing the application's data. This should include TABLESPACE DDL and all additional users with their grants.

So first I thought of developing a simple script, which will create the CREATE TABLESPACE DDL but with transformed datafile paths.But my throws some errors and I don't understand why:

ORA-31604: invalid NAME parameter "STORAGE" for object type TABLESPACE in function SET_FILTER
l_hObject NUMBER;
l_Objddl CLOB;


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Server Utilities :: Tablespace For Importing Objects

Sep 20, 2010

Two different says in different documentation as below.

1) Import required same tablespace to fit the objects, otherwise it throws error.

2) Import by default uses the default tablespace to fit the objects, but some times it uses SYSTEM tablespace also.

confirm with the correct one.

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Metadata For Some Of Partitions

Nov 10, 2010

i have many partitions in one table. i need metadata for some of the partitions. We have any option to get the metadata for partitions only.because while selecthing the table meatdata i am getting long script.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Get Metadata Of Different Schemas

Jun 6, 2012

I'm trying to get the Create-Statements of all tables of several schemas:

SELECT DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL('TABLE',u.table_name,'<schmema>')

Is there a way to create a loop to handle several schemas listed in a array, for example?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Derive Metadata From Cursor?

Jul 11, 2011

I have to build something like an export-interface-mappingtool. So user defines more or less a query and I have to display the attributes of this query to enable a mapping.

If I build up a ref cursor fom this query, I did not find the possibility to read its metadata (mostly Type/length is enough).

What I do not want to do is creating a temp. table or parse the query string to derive it from the dictionary.

Is it possible at all to get the metadata of a dynamic SQL ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Hierarchical Query To Get Metadata Information?

Mar 5, 2010

i'm trying to display the heirarichal relationship between the tables (parents-child-subchild).

[b]table structure[/b]


Expected output

table_name path

but by using below query i am getting complete heirarichy.

R_Constraint_Name ,
SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(Table_Name, '/') Path


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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: How To Get Metadata Of All Fields In SQL Query

Feb 22, 2012

I am using the dbms_xmlgen.getXMLfunction to get the result of any query in xml format.

With this XML I also want the metadata information about all the fields used in the query (passed to getXML function). Is it possible and how can I achieve this.

I tried to Google it but couldn't find any solution , it's easy to do it in java where I can get the resultset meta data from the resultset but I have to do it in Oracle function since I want the result in xml format and want to use the oracle XML API.

You may think why I need metadata , the reason is the application will later use this information to sort the data contained in these fields according to their data type provided to.

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Server Utilities :: Exporting Metadata Backup

Jul 19, 2011

i am using a schema which i need to take a backup of meta data only i am using exp utility

exp shan/shan@shan file=/backup_dump/shan.dmp log=/backup_dump/shan.log owner=shan rows=n

but it will return me below error, i have only access to user shan our client cant allow me to use system or sysdba schema or any other required grants or privileges so is there any way to take metadata backup of user shan from user shan.

EXP-00008: ORACLE error 942 encountered
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
EXP-00024: Export views not installed, please notify your DBA
EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessfully

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Query To Show Schema About Metadata In OracleDB

Apr 23, 2010

i got problem that i want to know Metadata in my Oracle DB 2 version there're OracleDB 9i and OracleDB 10g ,So i want to know about sql command to show all metadata of these Database, because i want to list My metadata and improve to Metadata's Standard(ISO/IEC 11179). How can i show all metadata of these database. is it the same sql command line with this 2 version Database to show all metadata?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Returns Comments Of All Objects Of Schema Using Metadata Api

Mar 2, 2010

A function returns the comments of all objects of the schema using metadata api. I used DATABASE_EXPORT as object_type for open function. which name (eg: base_object_name, base_object_schema...) should i use to get comments of single object. My code is..

1 CREATE OR REPLACE function f_depen_obj
2 return clob
3 as
4 a number;
5 b number;

I got comments of all objects when i commented 11th,12th lines. Now i want the comments of EMP table of SCOTT schema. I got the following error ..

SQL> select f_depen_obj from dual;
ORA-31603: object "EMP" of type TABLE not found in schema "EMP"
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_METADATA", line 1546
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_METADATA", line 1583
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_METADATA", line 1901
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_METADATA", line 3806
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_METADATA", line 3784
ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.F_DEPEN_OBJ", line 17

no rows selected...i got output (comments of single object) when i use COMMENT instead of DATABASE_EXPORT in open function(line no: 9). But i need to use DATABASE_EXPORT as a object_type. Which name is suitable for set_filter procedure instead of 'NAME'?

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PL/SQL :: How To Find If Column Default Value Is Stored As Metadata

Aug 17, 2012

I'm using Oracle 11g enhanced ADD COLUMN Functionality. Adding new columns with DEFAULT values and NOT NULL constraint no longer requires the default value to be stored in all existing records.

Sometimes we change DB columns from NOT NULL with DEFAULT to NULL with DEFAULT. This operation "materialize" column default. Is there an easy way (Dictionary view) how to find, that COLUMN default value is stored as metadata or is "materialized" ?

Oracle RDBMS version : Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

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Spatial :: How To Edit User Metadata View

Oct 19, 2012

how is to edit user_sdo_geom_metadata view?

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Server Utilities :: DBMS-DATAPUMP.metadata-filter And Long Table List?

Jun 9, 2010

I have a problem with DBMS_DATAPUMP.metadata_filter.Let's suppose that I need to export a huge list of tables (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i...). Let's suppose that the list is dynamic do NOT want to use

DBMS_DATAPUMP.metadata_filter (handle => h1,
VALUE => 'IN (''a'', ''b'', ...)',
object_type => NULL);

In my_export_table there is the list:

CREATE TABLE my_export_table

Now I'm trying to use this form:

DBMS_DATAPUMP.metadata_filter (handle => h1,
VALUE => 'IN (SELECT a.export_object_name FROM my_export_table a, user_objects b WHERE a.export_object_name = b.object_name AND b.object_type = ''TABLE'')',
object_type => NULL

but it results in error.

ORA-39125: Worker unexpected fatal error in KUPW$WORKER.GET_TABLE_DATA_OBJECTS while calling DBMS_METADATA.FETCH_XML_CLOB []
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist


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Server Utilities :: How To Import Dump Into Specific Tablespace Instead Of Default Tablespace Users

Jan 18, 2012

How to import dump into specific tablespace instead of default tablespace users.

I want to import my dump file to newly created tablespace ,so how can i do that . I have created new user called cvm and while creating it i mentioned default tablespace to newly created tablespace . But when i try to import my dumo file it goes to users tablespace .

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Server Administration :: Creating A New Tablespace With Datafile / Assign Users To Current Tablespace

May 27, 2011

i have a tablespace which contains 121 datafile(max limit reached) as a dba what we have to do?

creating a new tablespace with a datafile and assign the users to the current tablespace which i created now.iif the above process is correct,after some time the tablespace which was filled up got freed can i give the access to the users previous (i.e. freed up tablespace) and current tablespaces

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Server Administration :: Single Big Tablespace Versus Multiple Tablespace?

Jan 26, 2011

My database version is

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for Linux: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

My os version is

Linux damdat01 2.6.18-128.7.1.el5 #1 SMP Wed
Aug 19 04:00:49 EDT 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64

My database is OLP system.

My question is what are the advantages and disadvantages having one single tablespace versus multiple tablespace?

Easy to maintain when you have single tablespace. but hard to track the IO issues if you have one single tablespace.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Error / Unable To Create Metadata And Import Fails

May 10, 2013

I am trying to run impdp over network to import tables only but i am getting an error saying not able to create metadata and the import fails

Here are the steps below,

1. Source database created a user and granted select on certain tables to the user.

2. Created a user in the Target database.

3. Created a public link as sys user in the target database.

4. granted imp and exp full database to both users and all the other privs.

5. Started the impdp from the target server.

The import fails with

$impdp abc/xyz directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR network_link=TESTAR logfile=net_import_proddev.log parallel=12 REMAP_SCHEMA=IMPDB:ABC

Import: Release - Production on Tue Apr 23 13:10:51 2013
Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
Starting "IMPDB"."SYS_IMPORT_TABLE_01": abc/******** directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR network_link=TESTAR logfile=net_import_proddev.log parallel=12 REMAP_SCHEMA=IMPDB:ABC


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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: How To Export Full Dump And Metadata Of Particular Table

Apr 9, 2013

let us consider mytest schema is having 6 tables

tname tabtype
myt table
myaxpertlog table
abb table
ccc table
ddd table
xxx table

now from this schema i want full dump and also from myaxpertlog table i required metadata only not records.

c:> export mytest/log file=20130409mytest0904pm.dmp tables=(myaxpertlog) rows=n

if i tried i am get only one table but it does have records.

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Server Utilities :: How To Take All Schema Metadata Export Except One Schema (scott)

Jul 5, 2012

how to take all schema metadata export except one schema (scott)

can i use like EXCLUDE=schema:"IN('SCOTT')

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Importing Of Oracle Database?

May 30, 2011

Actually I am using Oracle 9i in Windows Operating System. Now I want to move to my entire Oracle Database to Oracle 11g in Linux version. What are all the correct steps to do this. I am not a DBA.

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Importing Dmp File From One To Another System

Jul 23, 2013

I have a dmp files of one table . the dmp files are from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

I want to export into my oracle db. i have not create any db or tables . i just installed oracle 11g.

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Importing Data From XLS File

Oct 24, 2012

I need to import some data from an Excel file, but I don't know how.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Export Whole Database Metadata Only?

May 9, 2013

I would like to export an entire DB metadata . I want to exclude it possible.We have 100+users.We get request to restore package from their schema very often.So I am thinking of creating job to emport an entire DB metadata .

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Oracle 11g - Exception While Importing Statistics?

Jul 14, 2010

I am using Oracle 11g R2 version.I want to import the DB statistics. But i am getting an exception when i execute the command DBMS_STATS.IMPORT_SCHEMA_STATS ('user1','STATS_INFO', '','', TRUE, FALSE).

The error is ORA-20000: no statistics are imported ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_STATS", line 10603 ORA-06512: at line 1.

The privileges 'ANALYZE ANY' and 'ANALYZE ANY DICTIONARY' is already given to the user.Also i executed this command as sys. But still error occurs.

Same command is successfully executed in Oracle 10g. Is there any difference in importing the statistics in Oracle 10g and 11g ?

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Server Utilities :: Importing 9i Dump Into 10g?

Jun 22, 2011

how can i import the oracle 9i dump file into 10g database, while iporting i get following error imp-00002 fail to open dump file

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Importing XML Files Into Oracle Database

Apr 25, 2010

I have a big problem that came up latly which is importing XML files into oracle database.The point is that I have extracted whole PostgreSQL database into XML files - 236 tables - 1 XML file for every table and now I'm about to import them into Oracle tables. First of all, I would like to point out that I already have the structure of all the tables in oracle database, the files only carry the data (records) that need to be imported into oracle.

I've been trying to make it running and I can't do anything more serious about it for over a week..I will show You all example:

insert into ps_sprawozdania(miesiac, umowa_rok, umowa_nr, nr_korekty, nazwa, data_potw, data_exp, status_potw)
from table(xmlsequence(xmltype(bfilename('c: est','ps_sprawozdania.xml'))));

That was one of my attempts to import data from file "ps_sprawozdania.xml" into table "ps_sprawozdnaia" into oracle. Here are 2 records from the XML file to show you Its structure

<nazwa>Sprawozdanie z realizacji umowy nr 051/210412/01/000/08 za miesiÄ…c Lipiec</nazwa>

handle with XML data, not XML files.

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