Forms :: Tool Tip Require To Display The Data
Jul 25, 2011If it possible to display Tool Tip of a Column Require to Display the Data contain in that Column.
View 11 RepliesIf it possible to display Tool Tip of a Column Require to Display the Data contain in that Column.
View 11 RepliesI want to display an alert when we click on Insert Record in tool bar. I put allow update->yes and insert->no.
but when i click on the insert record in tool bar it showing message only.
Instead of message I need an alert using triggers. I added the image also.
I have made an application in forms 6i. Now i want if user can update, or modify the data it will required automatic authentication. Administrator will gives his password then the updation will continue otherwise rollback the transaction.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe have oracle 9i database named A with 2 schema A1 and A2.User enters data at A1 schema and the incremental data moved to A2 schema after some verfications performed by some scheduled job on A1 schema.
we want to move this incremental data to B1 schema of another oracle 9i database B at the real time when data gets entered to A2 schema of A oracle 9i database. We have access to A2 schema of A database and B1 schema of B database.way to do it or best practice to do this activity or if there is any third party tool or any available oracle utility to perform it?
Note: A2 schema of A database and B1 schema of B database has one to one mapping.We want to avoid using trigger on A2 schema, how data gets populated from A1 to A2 schema .
How to retrieve data manually to the text fields from the EMP database.what are the main properties ?
View 5 Replies View Relatedi want hide the content shown in the picture
View 6 Replies View RelatedCan i use Text tool in programming...
i just want to change color at run time of text tool....
i attached a picture must see...
I would like to display data using the Hierarchical tree up to 3 levels.I need to create all the nodes programatically.
Means Create the parent (Parent1) level nodes , then create the child (Child1) nodes and add them under the parent1.Similarly create child nodes (Child2) and add them under the parent (Child1).
I have created searching tool using oracle forms 6i. while searching the cursor move from text field (A) to other block query the data according to the field (A) and come back again to field (A). Everything is working fine but the problem is, when the cursor move back to the field (A) the existing text is highlighted and when user right something in it. It's overwriting the existing text.
I want when the cursor moving bank to the field (A) the text should not be highlighted and when the user writes something that will be added to the existing text.
I have a master - details block relation where I have to display all the records in the details block based on the selection criteria made in the master block. Earlier we didn't have any selection criteria and hence used to do a execute_query behind the detail block to just retrieve all the records.
But now the master block contains fields where I can input the selection criteria and once I hit the find button it will retrieve the records based on those criteria and display in the detail block.
i want to hide browsers menu bar and tool bar at form run time and i want to show only form menu in the browser
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have two requirements that we have an ERP with default language (English US) and now we need :
1) Put Arabic support in our forms and reports
2) Add Rich Text Tool in our forms and reports
I am trying to use the Java Importer tool to invoke web services from Oracle forms.
During my research on Java Importer tool, I found that Quote:"The class browser lists all of the Java classes found on the CLASSPATH. The classes are ordered in the same way that they are represented in the CLASSPATH."
The above quote is from Oracle Documentation.
I want to know where I can find the CLASSPATH so that I can add new Java Classes to it. Our forms builder runs on Unix environment.
I have been asked for a query to write by using all sql clauses like group by, where, having, order by in a single query. I just wrote the below query but I did not get out put. select deptno, max(sal) from emp group by deptno having deptno > ( select distinct deptno from emp where deptno >= 20)
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have oracle 10g R2 on windows.I have two tables and say table A ant Table B. Both have column Total_amount. There are primary key's on Both tables.
Sample query
AND round((nvl(A.TOTAL_AMOUNT,0) - nvl(B.TOTAL_AMOUNT,0)),3) <> 0Above query retrives only Non-matching rows.
I need to retrive :-
1)output of the query shown above and
2)Records which are present in B and not in A.
For external tables does not require any database space.But where the external tables are storing.
View 3 Replies View Relatedwhat privilege is required to run dbms_stats package for gathering table and schema statistics.
SQL> show user
SQL> select * from user_sys_privs;
no rows selected
SQL> select * from user_role_privs;
no rows selected
SQL> select * from role_sys_privs;
no rows selected
SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('JACK','EN1')
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
I revoke all the privileges from JACK user but still i am able to gather stats for a table.what privilege is require to gather stats.
How to find non-indexed queries and columns that require indexes?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a requirement where i need to display like
Consider EMPLOYEES table and If an employee 'A' joined in Jan month then he should come under JAN, if employee B and C joined in MARCH month than both has to come under MAR and so on..
is this possible.????
In SQL...I want to display the manager details and the corresponding employee details and i donot want to use joins or co-related subqueries
I am trying it to use CASE or DECODE..
Here is the Query..
WHEN empno IN (SELECT mgr FROM emp)
The output is as follows..
7839KING5000PRESIDENT7839 KING Manager 5000 0 10
7698BLAKE2850MANAGER 7698 BLAKE 7839 2850 0 30
7782CLARK2450MANAGER 7782 CLARK 7839 2450 0 10
7566JONES2975MANAGER 7566 JONES 7839 2975 0 20
7902FORD3000ANALYST 7902 FORD 7566 3000 0 20
7788SCOTT3000ANALYST 7788 SCOTT 7566 3000 0 20
I am able to display only the Manager details or employee details and not both at the same time..
I have to transpose data and display it using Sql. How can I do that?
Here is how the data looks in the table now:
Deal Cashflow Date
0007 1228888 01/12/2011
0007 898998 02/12/2011
0007 999999 03/12/2011
0008 888888 01/12/2011
0008 777777 02/12/2011
When I transpose the data, it should look like this:
Deal 01/12/2011 02/12/2011 03/12/2011
0007 1228888 898998 999999
0008 888888 777777
Never had to do this in the past.
I have a query on displaying data as per my requirement. I have created a table called sales it has four columns
create table sales(country,state,district,sales);
and am inserting some same data
insert into sales('india','TN','Chennai',100);
insert into sales('india','TN','KPURAM',120);
insert into sales('india','TN','Bangalore',35);
insert into sales('india','ANDR','Guinder',100);
insert into sales('india','ANDR','Nellai',76);
insert into sales('london','city-a','xstreet',89);
insert into sales('london','city-a','binroad',100);
select * from sales;
country state district sales
india TN chennai 100
india TN KPURAM 120
india TN Bangalore 35
india ANDR Guinder 100
india ANDR Nellai 76
london city-a xstreet 89
london city-a binroad 100
the data is displayed in this format. How i am trying to display data.
Web page that retrives data from SQL database and display it to the user in well formatted manner. Data retrieved depend upon criterias selected by the user. But sometimes data retrieved is very large. I want to display records to the user page wise, i.e. 100 records on first page and next 100 records displayed when user clicks next button. This means only 100 records should be retrieved when user first select search criteria, next 100 records retrived when he clicks next button and so on, as to reduce data transferred from server to client. how to achieve this by using single sql query as soon as possible.
View 10 Replies View Relatedformatting the mail message sent using utl_mail, i have created one table and it has around 17 rows inside as sample and it may increase as well, my present email format is in single line..find below the code i have written along with test case, you may substitute your emailid for test, especially my main focus is on the column mrk , where all the mrk are comming in one line but i want to be arranged in a line not more thant 10 rows, if it exceeds it should go to next line.
INTO FAB_LOG VALUES ('1018017M-6001')
INTO FAB_LOG VALUES ('1018017M-6002')
INTO FAB_LOG VALUES ('1018017M-6003')
INTO FAB_LOG VALUES ('1018017M-6004')
INTO FAB_LOG VALUES ('1018017M-6005')
INTO FAB_LOG VALUES ('1018017M-6006')
how to display the data which is shown below without duplicate records in compid and compname and all policy_id's should be there while excuting this query iam getting this data.
select distinct comp_id as compid,
comp_disp_name as company,
plcy_id as policyid,
compid compname policy_id policy_name
19734 Save the Children 9013 GPA
19734 Save the Children 9012 GMC
20097 JMT 9486 GTL
10890 Steelco Gujarat Ltd. 9727 CAR
17330 Golden Jubilee Hotels Limited 8915 CGL
23117 NBHC 9093 GMC
17542 Heinz India 10693 Fire
19821 KSK Fabricators 10341 D&O
3769 Jones Lang Lasalle India 9199 WC
19821 KSK Fabricators 10340 WC
in the below query
, b.user_name
, b.user_disabled
, b.user_email
, b.user_created_by
, b.user_created_date
, b.user_approved_by
, b.user_approved_date
, b.flag
, b.user_status
from mst_user_checker b, mst_user a
where a.user_code=b.user_code
and b.flag in ('I','P','R','F')
If the flag is 'F', then I need to display the data from the mst_user table. Where should i modify the above query ?
I have a table where multiple combination of records are store and i want to display data in range format as below, there is any way to group data as below.
create table ot_shop_Rec ( item varchar2(12), it_name varchar2(20),rev number, qty number)
drop table ot_shop_rec
insert into ot_shop_rec values ( '1018001-1001', 'COL',0,10);
insert into ot_shop_rec values ( '1018001-1002', 'COL',0,10);
insert into ot_shop_rec values ( '1018001-1001', 'GRID',0,10);
insert into ot_Shop_rec values ('1018001-1003','COL',0,10);
1018001-1001 - 1018001-1003 COL 30 0
1018001-1001 GRID 10 0
This is my first post in this portal. I want display the details of emp table.. for that I am using this SQL statement.
select * from emp where mgr=nvl(:mgr,mgr);
when I give the input as 7698 it is displaying the corresponding records... and also when I won't give any input then it isdisplaying all the records except the mgr with null values.
1)I want to display all the records when I won't give any input including nulls
2)I want to display all the records who's mgr is null
Is there any way to incorporate to include all these in a single query..
is there a way to keep the display of the form when we call another new form. my scenario will be as following:
am in form1 , i call form 2 from a menu, after this call form2 is open in place of form1.
i have no control in form1 and i can't change anything on it, i don't know hw the menu option is calling form2.the only control i have will be within form2 if there is any change i can make it.i read something about MDI, and OPEN_FORM() procedure, but i think this will required a change in form1 which i can't do.
is there any change i can make in form2 to display it and keep the display of form1 at the same time behind it ?
I would like to display PDFs in Oracle Forms. The PDFs are stored in an Oracle 10g database.
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