Forms :: Role Based Menu Security

May 2, 2010

Direct me on step by step to create secure menu based on roles.

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Forms :: Create Menu Role With User

Jul 19, 2010

how to create menu with submenu according to user,

For Example :

Menu1 have got 02 SubMenu :
SubMenu1 just user1 see.
SubMenu2 just for user2.
And user3 could access SubMenu1 and SubMenu2.

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Security :: Any Role Where Exp_full_database Role Is Contained In It?

Aug 13, 2013

Is there any Role where 'exp_full_database' role is contained in it? or it is compulsory to grant to the user for exporting objects.,

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Security Role And Auto Permissions

May 13, 2013

I have created and role in my database and assign privileges as per following query.

Select 'Grant select on'||' user.'||object_name||' '||'to MyRole ;' from all_objects
where object_type in ('TABLE','VIEW')
and owner='username';

After granting role to new user everything work fine.I want to know a way to sync role with any newly created object.

Should I create a job that may execute above sql store results in a file and then execute to ensure all privileges are up to date for role or there any other optimal way exist ?

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Security :: How To Change DEFAULT-ROLE Of A User

Jul 13, 2011

I want to change the DEFAULT_ROLE column to NO for following user 'P10_DEMO'.

SQL> show user
SQL> select name from v$database;


how to do this ?

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Security :: ORA-01932 - ADMIN Option Not Granted For Role

Aug 23, 2011

When i try to grant role to user , i get following error.

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01932: ADMIN option not granted for role 'MAINTAIN_TEO'

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Security :: Additional Sysoper In Job Role Separation Environment

Aug 24, 2012

I have successfully set up a (test) environment for single-instance Grid Infrastructure and Oracle database using job role separation. So I have the recommended grid and oracle users, and the oinstall, dba, oper, asmadmin, asmdba and asmoper groups. I have the following directory structure for my Oracle Bases and Oracle Homes:

/u01/app/11.2.0/grid - GI home
/u01/app/grid - GI base
/u01/app/oracle - DB base
/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1 - DB home

Platform is OEL5, GI and DB.

This all works fine.

What I now want to do (since what I'm trying to do is make this environment as secure as practical) is set up an additional sysoper operating system account, so that that user can connect to carry out sysoper tasks, amongst other things stopping and starting the instance.

So (as the oracle user) I do the following:

$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> create user test identified by passwrod;
SQL> grant sysoper to test;
SQL> exit

As root I do the following:

$ useradd -g oper testoper
$ su - testoper

Now as testoper:

$ sqlplus 'test/password as sysoper'

SQL> shutdown immediate
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.

As you can see, shutdown works, but startup doesn't. I have registered an SR with Oracle on this, but they're not being useful. The suggestion was that I should give testoper the to install secondary group. But this is not a secure solution as this now gives testoper privileges to do things in OB / OH that it really shouldn't be able to do. No other suggestions have been forthcoming. The reason for the suggestion however is the ownership / permissions on the Grid OH oracle executable:

[root@db03 ~]# ls -la /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/oracle
-rwsr-s--x 1 grid oinstall 184286237 Aug 22 11:15 /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/oracle

As you can see, it has group oinstall, so you can see why giving the user oinstall group would work. But in my view this is not satisfactory.

One thing that occurred to me is that in this environment I should arguably in fact be using srvctl to stop / start instances. But that means setting up a user with asmoper role (presumably) rather than oper. That user would then (again presumable) be able to stop and start other GI resources, which is not what I want.

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Security :: Oracle11g Express - Default Role For User?

Oct 4, 2012

I switch to Oracle11g express and create user



and after login i check
select * from SESSION_ROLES

and i have none role if I set role all works fine. Why I doesn't have DEFAULT ROLE after login.

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Forms :: How To Display Menu Instead Of Default Menu

Apr 19, 2013

i have one form name is LOV.fmb and i have one menu name is summit_menu.mmb how to display menu instead of default menu.

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Security :: Login Based On Particular Time

Mar 15, 2011

How can we create a user such that he can login only at a particular time of the day . if he try's to login other than the Time assigned ,shouldn't allow.

Can we use oracle Security policy ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Connect Role In Dba-role-privs?

Oct 10, 2012

But what I noticed is that user HIEL has a connect role but YONC does not. (Result set is below) Have searched for information but did not find what I was looking for. I did read something about backward compatibility.I'm leaning towards that thought since the other user YONC does not have this role.

Database: 11g R1

SQL> select * from dba_role_privs where grantee in ('YONC', 'HIEL') order by grantee;
--------------------------- --------------------------- --- ---


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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Assigned To ROLE X Be Transferred To Role Y Via Datapump Import

Oct 18, 2013

i have user with the name 'Rob' and this user has been assigned a role 'MY_SRC_ROLE' . I developed a table under rob schema and granted access to this table via role GRANT DELETE, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE ON rob.emp TO MY_ SRC_ ROLE; I have 100 more users & they have been granted this role 'MY_SRC_ROLE'. These 100 users can now access emp table via Role 'MY_SRC_ROLE' without any issues. Now i took a datapump export & performed datapump import on target server which is also HP Unix with 11.20.3 .

On target server i have user 'JACK' and a role called 'MY_WORK_ROLE'. 5000 users have been granted 'MY_ WORK_ ROLE' on this server. I have used remap tablespace clause & remap schema clause in datapump import script. Once i performed an import , due to schema remap , i can see JACK now owns table 'emp', however grants are still not there, I tried searching on Google & oracle documentation, if somehow we can remap ROLE GRANTS also while doing datapump imp, but i couldn't find supporting syntax. can i assume datapump import is not capable to handle this particular scenario ? I was able to do it by manipulating sqlfile and replacing role name in that but i am looking for a sol. within datapump itself. how can grants assigned to ROLE 'X' be transferred to 'Role Y' via datapump import.

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Create A Role Like DBA Role?

Sep 20, 2012

is there a way to create a role just like DBA role?

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Forms :: Add Scroll Bar On Menu?

Jul 26, 2013

I am working on oracle 10g menu is so long and I want to add a vertical scroll bar to my menu .

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Forms :: How To Get Menu Item Name

May 5, 2009

I have created a Menu in forms 6i,

I want to get Menu Item Name When i pressed any menu item in runtime..

e.g, i have a menu items like,

when i pressed ITEM1 then it should display ' MENU1.ITEM1 ',

how can i get this..?


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Forms :: Report Run From Menu

Dec 7, 2010

I am using Developer 10g R2. From menu module i want to check the status of the report server. also when the status is shutdown then reportserver will be start otherwise run the report.

Programatically how can i do this.

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Forms :: Menu Not Replacing In 11g?

Jul 25, 2012

In forms 11 g, whenever, We did any menu change, and deploy in server, same changes are not reflecting in clients machine immediatly. I even stop forms services and restart.After some time... generally after 1 day, it reflect the new changes.In forms 10G, I never face this issue. As soon as i close the old menu and re-open, new changes reflect.

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Forms :: Run Reports From Menu?

Feb 14, 2010

Recently i migrated all my forms and reports from 6i to 10.I am able to run the reports in the web.But when I am trying to run thru menu it give me error

Invalid report id -frm 41219

(I had already searched the forum for the same but i didnt get any valid answer. )

In the forum some says to add the report in the object navigator The reports node is available for the forms only but not for the menus then how can i add the report? Below is the code i am using in the menu

v_rep VARCHAR2(100);
rep_status VARCHAR2(20);
plid ParamList;


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Forms :: Creating Menu In 10g

Mar 30, 2011

I built a form in 10g and I want to replace the oracle menu with my menu, so I wrote the code

replace_menu('TA_MENU.MMX',null, null);

in the new form instance trigger but when I run the form it gave me this error

"frm-10221 can not read the fiel TA_MENU".

what have I do to fix this error?

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Forms :: Navigation Between Forms Via Custom-menu?

May 23, 2011

what is the basic workaround to provide to switch from one form to another form via custom-menu at runtime?

I attached a menu-item to every of my forms and I can call them seperately from the forms builder. But I am not able to switch between the forms then. If I am clicking on a menu-item, I get frm-40010.

P.S. I'd prefer to close the current form, if the new form has been opened. Do I have to control this seperately or is the closing of the last form default?

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Forms :: How To Call Any Application (EXE) From Menu

Oct 1, 2012

I called an application from Oracle forms using: Client_Host('cmd /c START "" "\localPathmyApplication.exe"'); This works fine on local as well as server.

But when I use the same command to call the application directly from the MENU ITEM, it gives error alert: "WebUtil Error: bean not found. WEBUTIL_HOST.Execute will not work."

I even tried using DDE.App_Begin(). This gives error: ORA-106561. How can I call any application (.exe) directly from the menu item on the server?

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Forms :: How To Pass Menu Parameters In 10g

Aug 5, 2013

I'm migrating forms 6i to forms 10g. I have a mune which has parameters ,which are working in forms 6i. But when i try to comile in forms 10g its poping up error's.

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Forms :: Call From Through Menu With Parameter

Feb 3, 2010

how can i call form through menu bar with parameter...

i made a log-in form in which i take user name and i send it to called form in and which forms is called there i create a parameter of that name which i called log-in form...

but when now i reached it on second form there is i use menu.. than how can i send this user name to other forms which i called through menu bar....

I Use this code for calling form through log-in form...

but what can i do for call form with parameter through menu..



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Forms :: How To Call Canvas From Menu

Mar 25, 2013

How to call the canvas from the menu module on which the form linked to the menu items.

The canvas lies in the same form where menu is attached.

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Forms :: ORA-31640 While Compiling Menu In 6i

Oct 22, 2011

I am getting this err ora-31640 while compling a menu in forms6i and when i have searched in oracle it is giving in forms 6i shared submenu's are not supported.

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Forms :: FRM-10221 / Can't Read Menu

Oct 10, 2010

I create a Menu with two Items in it (execute and Exit) .Then i save and compile it with My_Menu name .Then I edit Menu Module Property in Property palette of Module2(file name) .

Menu Module MY_MENU

But at run time its giving me following error message .

frm-10221 can't read menu

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Forms :: Put On Form1 Different Menu Then One On Form2

Jan 26, 2013

I have 2 forms, form1 and form2.

Form1 calls form2 but i need to put on form1 a different menu than the one on form 2.

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Forms :: How To Hide MENU And TOOL Bar

Jun 22, 2012

i want hide the content shown in the picture

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Forms :: Disabling Item From The Menu?

Feb 15, 2012

I want to disable the menu item from the menu.

01. Write set_menu_item_property('menu.menu_item', ENABLED, PROPERTY_FALSE); in Startup code of the menu itself

02. Mannually disable the item from property palette but both of these are not working. I have also disabled the Menu Security and removes the roles from the menu itself.

what exactly is the thing which is controlling the menu? Or is there any other way to disable/disappear the menu item?

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Forms :: Hierarchical Tree Menu

Nov 30, 2010

I need complete source from hartical tree menu using by calling reports and calling forms.

i need related Table ,triggers and Examples.

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