Form 6i - How To Achieve Full Screen Menu In Character Mode

Nov 9, 2009

We are migrating oracle froms from 4.5 to 6i both based on window and character mode.

We have successfully migrated all the form to 6i on Linux and it is running fine.

The problem is that the menus were setup with a Menu Style of "Full Screen" in 4.5. But when run in 6i, the menu's are displayed as a single row across the top of the screen.

Client is bit rigid to retain their menu style in character mode after migration to 6i without going for Web solution.

I want to know, whether we can achive the full screen menu at all or not in 6i and if we can achieve then how?

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RMAN Full Backup - All Application Connections Goes In Wait Mode

Aug 8, 2012

on our database, when we run full backup, my system performance comes to an halt. we run full backup and then do a validate backup to validate the structure of the database etc. Database performance takes a hit and all of the application connections goes in wait mode: On ASH or AWR - this is the top wait i see:

RMAN backup & recovery I/O

Event % Event P1 Value, P2 Value, P3 Value % Activity Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3
RMAN backup & recovery I/O 22.22 "1","32","2147483647" 21.79 count intr timeout

what can we do to over come this issue?

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Forms :: Unable To Get Whole Form On Screen

Mar 22, 2011

i am not able to get whole form on the screen. some part of the part is missing and even there is no scroll bar to slide the form. I have also change the form applet screen size is 1024 x 768 and this is same as of the size of form applet.

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Forms :: Image On The Form For Splash Screen

Dec 4, 2009

How can I replace an existing image with a new one on my splash screen. Here's what I mean by this:

I have a form which already has a splash screen logo. This logo will be replaced with a new one. The existing logo is attached as an image in the form of a .tiff file. There are no triggers on the form excepting a "when new form instance" which just says "SET_WINDOW_PROPERTY(FORMS_MDI_WINDOW,TITLE,'ABC').

How can I ensure that the old logo is replaced with a new one. Here's what I did to replace, i.e my trouble shooting steps:

a)opened the form and deleted the existing splash screen/.tif file
b)went into the layout editor and clicked on "EDIT-> IMPORT" and mapped it to the .tif file that's persent in the local directory. As soon as I click OK, I get the following message :

FORMS-VGS-507- Cannot open file or file not in specified format.

BTW- another trouble shooting step was that I discarded the original and the one to be replaced .tif file. After this I imported another .tif file , so as to eliminate/narrow down the issue. The other .tif file when imported, attached itself perfectly fine, except that it was too large. (How to crop the size). I am new to Oracle forms10g and my area of work is pl/sql,sql,crystal reports and VB.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Unable To Generate To File XML In Character Mode

Feb 17, 2012

I have a Report which run in character mode format, well i cannot convert or Generate to File as a XML File.

XML Conversion Error:

REP-1401: 'cf_1formula': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred. ORA-01403: no data found

PDF Conversion Error:

REP-1920: Character mode runtime incompatible with DESFORMAT of PDF, HTML, HTMLCSS, or RTF

But, when i change Character Mode to Bitmap or Default i can able to Generate to File.

So i Like to know is it possible to Generate to File in Character Mode?

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Forms :: Creating Menu In A Form

Jul 13, 2010

I want to create a Menu in my form .

First i create a form in Form Style using emp data block . Then , I create a Menu with two items . Then i compile and save both of them . But when i run my form , Menu does not appear .

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Globalization :: Migrating Character Data Using A Full Export And Import

Jul 23, 2013

I have a database in my local machine that doesn't support Turkish characters. My NLS_CHARACTERSET is WE8ISO8859P1, It must be changed to WE8ISO8859P9 , since it supports full Turkish characters. I would like to migrate character data using a full export and import and my strategy is as follows:

1- create a full export to a location in network,

2- create a new database in local machine that it's NLS_CHARACTERSET is WE8ISO8859P9 (I would like to change NLS_LANGUAGE and NLS_TERRITORY by the way)

3- and implement full import to newly created database. I 've implemented first step, but I couldn't implement the second step. I 've created the second step by using toad editor by clicking Create -> New Database but I can not connect the new database. I must connect new database in order to perform full import.


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Forms :: Open Test Form In Oracle 10g Only Internet Explorer Is Opening With Blank Screen?

Apr 26, 2010

I have installer oracle 11i database, with oracle 10g forms for development.When I am trying to open test form in oracle 10g form only Internet explorer is opening with blank screen, while it is connected to oracle database (version 11i).

Oracle 11i is on windows 2003 ent server and Oracle 10g is on windows 2000 professional...

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Forms :: Restriction On New Record Addition In Datablock Through Form Menu Plus Icon?

Sep 23, 2011

i am populating 3 records in my data block.i do not want more than 3 rows.but when i click the plus icon in form menu one more row is getting generated which i do not want. i can restrict the new record addition through plus icon in menu bar for a particular block.

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Forms :: Query Mode Not Working At Once The Form Is Opened

Jul 10, 2012

At once when I open the form when I press F11 it is not entering query mode. But if I type something in the text box placed in the form then I press F11 means it is asking "Do you want save the changes you have made?" if I press yes or no, no matter it is going for query mode. How to go to query mode without typing something in it?

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Using Nested-query To Achieve Info

Apr 19, 2010

For each keeper, show the number of cages cleaned by the keeper, show the average number of animals in the cages cleaned by the keeper and the total cost of the cages cleaned by the keeper."

The data table is shown on the picture.i75.photobucket. com /albums/i297/lovebipbo/SIT103.jpg.. I can learn and do some similar task myself

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Performance Tuning :: Achieve Same Execution Plan?

Apr 30, 2012

refere to below 2 queries and their execution plans:

First Query
INSERT INTO temp_vendor(vendor_record_seq_no,checksum,rownumber,transaction_type,iu_flag)
SELECT /*+ USE_NL ( vd1 ,vd2 ,vd3 ) leading ( vd1 ,vd2 ,vd3 , tvd) */
vd1.vendor_record_seq_no, tvr.checksum, tvr.rownumber, tvr.transaction_type, 'U'
FROM vendor_data vd1,


Second Query
SELECT vd1.vendor_record_seq_no, tvr.checksum, tvr.rownumber, tvr.transaction_type, 'U'
FROM ( select * from vendor_data vd1
where vd1.study_seq_no = 99903
AND vd1.control_column_seq_no = 435361232


Both are to achieve same output but written in different ways. CAn I get same exectuion plan from 1st query as there is for 2nd using hints

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Forms :: How To Display Menu Instead Of Default Menu

Apr 19, 2013

i have one form name is LOV.fmb and i have one menu name is summit_menu.mmb how to display menu instead of default menu.

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Server Administration :: How To Know Character Set As Single Character Or Multi Character

Sep 26, 2013

how do we know database character set is either single character set or multi character set?

While changing character-set from AL32UTF8 to WE8MSWIN1252 got "ORA-12712: new character set must be a superset of old character set".

Below are steps taken to resolve the issue -


i got this error: ORA-12712: new character set must be a superset of old character set

below are the commands executed by me:


And its working...

I have not done it in proper order. Neither have done ccsscan. Still, no user reported any issues. Do my changes truncated the data?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Insert Special Character / ORA-00911 / Invalid Character

May 25, 2010

We have Oracle 10g and user trying to Insert following in one of our table field and getting error:

'REVOLUCIÃ"N Historical Corruptions Agenda'

Getting follwoing error:

ORA-00911: invalid character
create table Employee
(Emp_ID Varchar2 (10),
Company_Name Varchar2 (40)
Insert into Employee
values ('Emp1', 'REVOLUCIÃ"N Historical Corruptions Agenda');

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Inserting Character From Extended ASCII Character Set?

Mar 8, 2007

I'm trying to insert a character from the extended ascii character set. Specifically, there's a company that has an accented e (�) in the name. Right now, the company name doesn't have the e at all, accent or no accent. So I'm trying to do an update, something like

update table1 set company_name='blah�" where company='blah'

It runs, but doesn't do the update. Even when I try to forcefully do an insert (instead of an update) I get nowhere; the accented is simply dropped. So the basic question is, how do you insert extended ascii characters into oracle?

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PL/SQL :: How To Select String Between Nth Specific Character To Nth+1 Character

Aug 9, 2012

I have one string 'SWAP_20120224_MEGAMART_MAR_Sales.csv'

I want to get the string between second underscore and third underscore i.e. 'MEGAMART'

How to achieve this in sql statement?

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Globalization :: Character Encoding - LATIN-1 Character In UTF-8 DB?

Feb 9, 2013

I am using C++ OCI LIB, to insert some report data from remote OCI client to oracle 11 server. This data is read by another process to create the report.The DB CHARSET is UTF-8. But the report tool expects the data to be ISO08859-1 encoded. So while inserting the data into the database i specify the following LANG and CHARSET for my table colulmn in client:

size_t csid = 871; // UTF-8
OCIAtrSet((void *) bnd1p, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_BIND,
*(void *)&csid*,
(ub4) 0,
(ub4)OCI_ATTR_CHARSET_ID, errhp);

This solution works for almost every case of ASCII and Extended ASCII Charest but we are facing issues if we have few specific characters to be inserted.f we are trying to insert single beta character [β] through client, the data goes empty to the column.

Beta Character details:
DEC     OCT     HEX     BIN     Symbol           Description
223     337     DF     11011111     ß     Latin small letter sharp s - ess-zed

DB Output after insert single β:
select rawtohex(NAME) from PERSONS where EID=333;


But if the string is *"ββ"* everything work fine:
DB Output for "ββ":
select rawtohex(NAME) from PERSONS where EID=333;


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Forms :: Cannot Commit Form When New Instance Form With Form Status Is NEW

Apr 17, 2012

I cann't commit form when new instance form with form status is "NEW".

And then i call:
Text_Item := WebUtil_File.File_Selection_Dialog('', '', 'Excel 2003|*.xls|Excel 2010|*.xlsx|All File|*.*', 'Select a file to Import', Open_File, True);
Form status change to "QUERY"

And then i click button "Import Data" from excel file to Data Block. Now form status change to "CHANGED". But i cannot call "Commit_Form" built-in to insert data to database oracle 10g.

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Forms :: Bypass Log On Screen In 6i?

May 14, 2011

i want to bypass the logon screen in forms 6i i have trigger but it not works.

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Forms :: Logon / Logout Screen

Feb 3, 2012

I am developing menu.. in that menu having 5 different forms.. these forms are 3 one schema ( i.e X ) and remaining 2 forms are one schema ( i.e Y )..

i am calling x schema

form level trigger on_logoon :

a for Username and x database name and another form in form level trigger on_logon : coding


b for Username and y database name

but the form is not executing and not saving the record's.

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Forms :: Unable To See A Canvas On Screen?

Aug 6, 2010

I have an form with a few canvases already in it. The problem is that I want to see a particular canvas which shows the toolbar at the top of the window but it dosent show up on the form. I checked the property palette and the canvas is visible. There is also an other canvas right at the top of the form. How do I move the other canvas down if this is covering the toolbar canvas. How do i move the canvas down as it dosent show any X position in its property palette.

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Forms :: How Screen Can Be Center Oriented

Jul 1, 2010

how the forms webpage/forms screen can be center oriented which is by default top left oriented in the content webpage.

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Forms :: Migrate Reports 6i To 11g Screen

Mar 21, 2013

I migrate some forms&reports 6i to 11g, i have some issues on screens. they are

1.In some of the migrated screens the prompts are not properly aligned. In some cases the Prompts which were in bold are converted to regular fonts.
2.The font size have increased, due to this the data are not completely visible in the fields. Do we have any provision for reducing the font size so that this gets applied for all the screens instead of changing the font size in each screen?
3. In case of Push buttons the names of the buttons are not fully visible.
4.The reports are not getting generated if we access the Application using Google chrome.

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Forms :: Bypassing The Login Screen?

May 11, 2010

I'm trying to bypass the login screen for my apps by creating a .cfg file (ani.cfg) from the formsweb.cfg with two inclusions:

2. form=<my_form>.fmx (instead of default test.fmx)

Now while running the through /forms/frmservlet?config=ani

'm getting two things:

1.error message sometimes with a java file details list (attached)

2. it's openning the Java Security Warning window where on clicking 'Run' nothing happens.

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Forms :: 10g Screen Not Printing Through Citrix?

Mar 24, 2010

We access the 10g forms and reports application through citrix and non citrix environments, when we are trying to print the screen from citrix environment the screens are getting shaded but if we print through non citrix environment screens are printing fine.

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Save Password Disabled In Login Screen

Dec 6, 2011

I have Toad 9.6.1 already installed on my machine and have now installed Toad 10.6 . unfortunately the Save Passwords option on the Connection screen is disabled. how do I enable that option.

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Forms :: Delete_record Not Removing Record From Screen

May 13, 2010

I am trying to select a row on the screen and delete a individual row from the screen after hitting the delete button. Whenever i select the row it gets highlighted and also the alert box comes up asking if the record needs to be deleted. When I say yes I notice that the row does not get deleted. The code behind the delete button is as follows

(P.S the block is based of a table and commit_form works and changes are saved to db but not delete_record)

Set_Alert_Property(alert_id, ALERT_MESSAGE_TEXT, 'Do you want to delete the Highlighted record? {NOT YET}');


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Forms :: Screen Not Open - Application Stuck

Jul 6, 2013

I have One .FMB Screen and in this Screen One Table , I Compile and attach in ERP System but when I tried to open thst screen is not open and also application is stucking.

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Forms :: 10g Show Empty Screen In Browser?

Jun 29, 2012

When I try to run the form by clicking Program/Run form, it opens a webpage(explorer) and displays ?ORACLE FORMS? label, but does not show the form only blank screen appear. When I try to run the form by clicking Program/Run form, it opens a webpage(Firefox), but does not show the form only blank screen appear.

I have noticed that in Start OC4J Instance it has some thing like as below:

SYSDATE TIME FormsServlet init():
configFileName: E:DevSuiteHome_2/forms/server/formsweb.cfg
testMode: false

pop-ups is not blocked in my browser I have allow active content to run in files on your name (where the form is stored) also doesn't contain any spaces.

Also I have change the

to this

I have done all the things mention in this forum to overcome this error.But, still the same problem is there.Also please take a note that I am using JRE not JINITIATOR. Beacuse when I am using the JINITIATOR it give me the problem of browser crash in both IE and firefox.Also I am using Windows XP and oracle form 10g.

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