Fatal NI Connect Error 12170

May 29, 2012

Below error getting in alert log file every day,but database is working fine.

What are the reason for this error?

Fatal NI connect error 12170.

TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
Oracle Bequeath NT Protocol Adapter for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
Windows NT TCP/IP NT Protocol Adapter for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
Time: 28-MAY-2012 19:20:02
Tracing not turned on.
Tns error struct:
ns main err 12535


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Ignore Fatal NI Connect Error 12170 Errors?

Feb 19, 2013

I am seeing this in my alert log at the rate of once in a month.

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Networking And Gateways :: ORA-12170 / TNS / Connect Timeout Error

Jan 10, 2012

I installed my Oracle 10g R2 software in redhat linux installed in VMWare player in my laptop.

I am trying to connect to database from my laptop which has windows 7 installed

My goal is to connect to database installed in linux vmware from my laptop having windows7 OS..

I have installed Oracle instant client on windows 7,trying to make a connection to database but its giving me the following error when i tried...

sqlplus sqlplus scott/tiger@(description=(address_list=(

ora-12170:TNS Connect TimeOut Error..

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Networking And Gateways :: Fatal NI Connect Error 12638

Aug 10, 2008

I'm getting this information in sqlnet.log file lying at D:oracleoradatadatabase

Fatal NI connect error 12638, connecting to:

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Networking And Gateways :: ORA-12170 / TNS / Connect Timeout Occurred

Jul 18, 2011

I was getting the following error when trying to connect development database.

sqlplus bala/test11@ORCL.SBC.COM
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Jul 18 13:04:18 2011
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
ERROR:ORA-12170: TNS:Connect timeout occurred
Enter user-name:

But i am to connect this database through putty,toad at that time. But after sometime, i was able to connect the database.

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Networking And Gateways :: ORA-12170 - TNS - Connect Timeout Occurred

Jan 24, 2012

I get below error when trying to connect to database server using

C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator>sqlplus jack/jack@DB_PROD

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Jan 24 12:11:45 2012

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

ORA-12170: TNS:Connect timeout occurred

Enter user-name:


The database i am trying to connect is and the client that is installed in my machine is

Is problem with the database versions ?

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PL/SQL :: Getting Ora-12170 Error?

Aug 20, 2012

In my database while querying the below sql statement i am getting the ora-12170 error.


when i used the describe command

DESC CCH_AVAILABLE_QUANTITY; it is executing and showing the 'AVAIL_QTY' column in the output.

i tried using all_tab_columns, all_tables to identify the schema of this table. the strange thing i found is

select * from all_tab_columns where column_name like '%AVAIL_QTY%'; this line is giving showing me the table name in the output.


select * from all_tables where table_name like 'CCH_AVAILABLE_QUANTITY'; this line is executing but not giving me the out put.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: PCC-F-02102 / Fatal Error While Doing C Preprocessing

Dec 22, 2009

I am getting following errors while compiling pro*c program

ystem default option values taken from: /data/OraHome/MidHome/precomp/admin/pcscfg.cfg

Syntax error at line 342, column 1, file /usr/include/ncurses/curses.h:

Error at line 342, column 1 in file /usr/include/ncurses/curses.h
* bool _notimeout; /* no time out on function-key entry? */
PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "*" when expecting one of the following:
} char, const, double, enum, float, int, long, ulong_varchar,
OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator, OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime,
OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval, OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber,
OCIRaw, OCIString, short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor,
struct, union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void,
volatile, a typedef name,

Error at line 0, column 0 in file ao030cm.pc

PCC-F-02102, Fatal error while doing C preprocessing

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Server Utilities :: Fatal Error In Data Pump Import?

Feb 15, 2007

As I put data pump import command: got the error..........

Import: Release - Production on Thursday, 15 February, 2007 3:54

Copyright (c) 2003, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
Master table "SYSTEM"."SYS_SQL_FILE_FULL_02" successfully loaded/unloaded
Starting "SYSTEM"."SYS_SQL_FILE_FULL_02": system/******** directory=data_pump dumpfile=prashant_dp.
dmp SQLFILE=prashant_imp.sql logfile=prashant_imp.log


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Reports & Discoverer :: REP-1401 / Afterpform / Fatal PL/SQL Error Occurred

Mar 6, 2013

i am getting below error while running Aging report.

Enter Password:

MSG-01001: inside beforepform
MSG-00100: p_reporting_level = p_reporting_entity_id =
MSG-00100: Get_Predicate calls complete
REP-1401: 'afterpform': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred.

this is my code in After parameter.

srw.message('100','Get_Predicate calls complete');
:p_reporting_entity_name := substrb(XLA_MO_REPORTING_API.get_reporting_entity_name,1,80);
:p_reporting_level_name := substrb(XLA_MO_REPORTING_API.get_reporting_level_name,1,30);


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Server Administration :: ORA-00603 - ORACLE Session Terminated By Fatal Error

Sep 14, 2012

SQL> startup mount
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 905969664 bytes
Fixed Size 1293720 bytes
Variable Size 520094312 bytes
Database Buffers 377487360 bytes
Redo Buffers 7094272 bytes
Database mounted.
SQL> alter database noarchivelog;
Database altered.

SQL> alter database open; alter database open

ERROR at line 1: ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error

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Server Administration :: While Creating Index ORA-00603 / ORACLE Server Session Terminated By Fatal Error

Jul 26, 2010

While creating the index we are getting the error "ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error".

We have the space in tablespaces and also in the file systesm.

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Connect To Oracle DB - Developer Error?

Apr 26, 2009

i've been trying to connect to the Oracle DB with Oracle SQL Developer.I get a message

State: Test Failed - IO Exception "The network adapter could not establish the connection"

When i go try tnsping 1521 It detects a connection by Oracle Database.And finally i get TNS-03505: Failed to resolve name

When i went into the "services.msc" and tryed to run the "OracleOraDb10g_home1TNSListener"

Got a message: "Error 3: The sytem could not find the specified path"

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Alias Used In Start By Connect With Program Gives Error

May 3, 2011

We have a query which uses start by and connect with method. this query works fine in our earlier version 10. But when we migrated to 11g, we are facing problem with the query.

Scenario 1:
There is a table in Schema 1 and created a view for the same.

Table : create table alias_test1 ( A varchar2(10),B varchar(10),C varchar2(20),D varchar2(40), E varchar2(10),F number(1));
View: create or replace view alias_vw1
as select A, B,C,D, E,F from alias_test1

Values :
Insert into A.ALIAS_TEST1 (A, B, C, D, E, F)
Values ('Block1', '136', 'TOTBANK', 'Total Bank', ' ', 1);
Insert into A.ALIAS_TEST1 (A, B, C, D, E, F)
Values ('Block2', '136', 'PPRSEGHKB', 'HKB', 'TOTBANK', 2);

Now in the schema B, created a synonym for the view to access. create synonym alias_vw1 for alias_vw1@link.world

Query :
select srl_no,cde,pdesc,lvl,is_leaf,hcy
from( select srl_no,
cde, pdesc, level lvl,
connect_by_isleaf is_leaf,
Ltrim(replace(sys_connect_by_path (rpad(Trim(cde),19,' '),'~'),'~',' ')) hcy

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Connect To DB With Other User Giving Error ORA-06512?

Sep 14, 2012

I have written a trigger as below:

v_temp NUMBER;
V_bypass_trg_flag VARCHAR2(1);


This trigger got successfully compiled. and when am trying to connect to the db with other user its giving me error "ora-06512 : at dbms_session".When i grant dba privillage to that user am successfully able to login to db.

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Archive Error - Connect Internal Only Until Freed

May 6, 2013


Our database is hanging with the above error.

I already freed everything in the flash_recovery_area . all archive logs and backupset. But still the error persist :(

I even alter system set recovery desc to 100G. still error.

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Connect From A Remote Client / Received Error Of No Listener

Dec 24, 2007

We installed Oracle 10g on one of our servers and configured the listener to host=localhost. Here's our listener.ora file:

(ORACLE_HOME = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1)
(PROGRAM = extproc)

After restarting the listener, we could connect using the connect identifier from the local server. However, when trying to connect from a remote client we received the error of "no listener". In the remote client the identifier is defined with host=ip_address. TNSping from the client to the host was successful.

When we changed listener.ora to host=up_address we could connect ONLY from the remote computer. Only after changing the host in tnsnames.ora file to the IP as well - we could connect from both the local server and the remote client.

I usually use host=localhost in the listener file (and the local tnsnames file) and never had this problem before.

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ORA-00257 - Archives Error And Impossible To Connect As Sysdba

Apr 8, 2013

I have a problem with my Oracle istance and so far I couldn't fix it, I have and Oracle 11g XE istance running on windows server 2003.A couple of days ago I received the error message "ORA-00257: archiver error".I found tips in this forum and wanted to apply but sqlplus doesn't recognize my SYS user/password. I type the correct password but no chance to log in.

If I try to connect using a client like Toad, I receive the message ORA-12170: TNS:Connect timeout occurred. I checked the firewall rules, but it's ok, moreover I was logging in in the past and any change has been performed on it. I learned it's possible to change SYS password.

If I connect as "/ as sysdba" on sqlplus I read "Connected to an idle istance".In order to connect as "/" I had to update sqlnet.ora and restart the service. The parameter SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES

was set as NONE ad I set as NTS. I should probably have to set it as ALL? I found out the orapwd utility to change SYS password throught password file for remote login as sysdba.

I tried to create that file, and when I ran the command it asked me the SYS password, I typed it and it created the file, so I guess the password I type is correct (I had the question to type it wrong). I didn't go to the next step as I wasn't sure to make the right thing and I don't want to make this issue bigger.

As long as I can't log in as sysdba I can't perform the actions mentioned in tips to fix the error 257, but I'm also wondering if the archive error can have a side effect and deny the action of update the SYS password.

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Client Tools :: Error When Trying To Connect Sybase Through SQL Developer

Nov 17, 2012

I am getting bellow error message when trying to connect Sybase through Sql developer: status:failure-test failed:IO Error:The network adapter

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Client Tools :: Connect With Database Through Toad - It Throws Error?

Apr 23, 2012

there is a problem , related to toad. when i try to connect with my database through toad then it throws an error-"Can't initialize OCI. Error -1", how to sort out of this problem. and i am using toad on widows server2008.

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Client Tools :: Sqlplus Error ORA-12154 - TNS - Resolve Connect Identifier Specified?

Feb 24, 2010

it seems to me that the file tnsnames.ora is not read when i execute sqlplus.whit the command: sqlplus username / password @ servicename i receive the error ORA-12154, while if i pass the whole connection string i can connect without problems

sqlplus username/password@(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oradev10)(PORT = 10520))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = D10)))

i set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable correctly... what more i have to do? following is my tnsnames.ora

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ttf19.cern.ch)(PORT = 1521))


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Reports & Discoverer :: FRM-41213 - Unable To Connect To Report Server Error

Feb 27, 2011

I am getting the error FRM-41213: Unable to connect to the report server error when trying to run report by calling from form.

Im not able to access even
with the urls.....rwservlet/showjobs
and /reports/conf/showjobs.

Is there any configuration need to be made in order to run report from form.

I use my report server name as rep_dpaoscit211 .

I havent added any line to any config file for reporting....

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Client Tools :: Error When Connect To Database Using ERWIN Data Modeler

Feb 17, 2010

I am trying to connect to database using ERWIN Data Modeler (7.1.0) but the following error occurs.

ORA-01041:internal error. hostdef extension doesn't exist.

The connection to database through other tools (e.g PL/SQL Developer etc) are successfully established.

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Networking And Gateways :: Unable To Connect To ORACLE ODA 11g - JDBC Connection Error

Aug 21, 2013

I am not able to connect to ORACLE ODA 11g. but using sqlplus its getting connected with below credential.

URL------------------- jdbc:oracle:thin:sacblmdbuser/sacblmdbuser@
Oracle JDBC driver loaded ok.
Unable to create connection
java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: Connection refused(DESCRIPTION=(TMP=)(VSNNUM=186647296)(ERR=12505)(ERROR_STACK=(ERROR=(CODE=12505)(EMFI=4))))

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Server Administration :: Unable To Connect To Database / ORA-12560 / TNS / Protocol Adapter Error

Feb 7, 2013

In one machine I have windows xp with Oracle database installed and I am able to connect to the database using both sql developer and sql plus.

In another machine I have windows 7. I installed Oracle client, then using Net configuration tool, I installed both listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files.

Now, I want to connect to the database which is installed on windows xp from windows 7 using the oracle client. When I tried to connect, I got the following error :

ERROR:ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error

In order to rectify the above error, I was making sure that ORACLE_HOME AND ORACLE_SID were properly set in the regedit file (under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > ORACLE). The ORACLE_HOME was set properly. But I found ORACLE_SID missing. So I added ORACLE_SID environment variable in the registry and re-tried connecting to the database. But I am not able to connect. What else should I do in order to connect?

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Server Administration :: Heartbeat Failed To Connect To Standby / ORA-12160 - TNS Internal Error?

Sep 3, 2010

From alert log,
<msg time='2010-09-03T11:37:46.548+06:00' org_id='oracle' comp_id='rdbms'
client_id='' type='UNKNOWN' level='16'
host_id='DC-DB-01' host_addr='' module=''
<txt>Error 12160 received logging on to the standby


From trace file,

[oracle@DC-DB-01 ~]$ less /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/bddipdc/bddipdc1/trace/bddipdc1_arcq_24310.trc
Redo shipping client performing standby login
OCIServerAttach failed -1
.. Detailed OCI error val is 12160 and errmsg is 'ORA-12160: TNS:internal error:

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Client Tools :: Able To Connect From SQL-Assistant BUT Unable To Connect From SQL Developer

Jul 7, 2012

I have been troubling with this issue for the last two weeks...tried so much, but could not able to resolve....

sqlplus username/password@IPAddress:port/ServiceName

I am able to connect to DATABASE from SQLAssistant only when I provide string like ABOVE........If I dont mention the SERVICE, m unable to connect to DB.Now the biggest issue is with SQL Developer.....m not at all able to connect to DB using SQL Developer.

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Client Tools :: Connect Oracle Developer 6i Without Connect String

Aug 17, 2010

I have installed oracle developer 6i. in sqlplus i want to put my username and password but nothing in the connect string field.

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Connect Oracle Database From Delphi - Could Not Resolve Connect Identifier Specified

Oct 6, 2010

I have the following computer/setup:

Acer laptop, Intel Processor w/ Windows 7 Professional (64-bit)
Delphi 2010 Professional
Oracle XE (+ the Oracle XE client that comes with it)

I cannot can't to the Oracle database from Delphi. The error I keep getting is:

Alias is not currently opened. [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-12154:TNS: could not resolve the connet identifier specified.

Here's what I've done:

1. Create an ODBC connection to my Oracle database

- run C:WindowsSysWOW64odbcad32.exe to open the ODBC administrator.
- Data source name: bt_user
- TNS Server Name: localhost/xe
- user bt_user
- Clicked "test connection" -- Success.

2. Open Delphi and drop a TDatabase component on my main form.

- Set the Alias Name property to "bt_user" (the alias I set up in ODBC)
- Set database name to "bt_user".
- Checked "connected".

Alternatively, I tried using the Delphi ADO components (the dbGo components).

- Drop TADOConnection component on my form.
- Select "connection string" and open the dialog.
- Click "build string".
- Select "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers" from the selection.
- In "use data source", select "bt_user" from the drop-down list (my ODBC connection from #1)
- Click "test connection".

Again the same error.

My questions are:

1. Can Delphi work with Oracle XE (Express Edition)?

2. If so, then do I need to install the "Instant Client"?

3. Will the instant client for Oracle 10g work with Oracle 10g XE?

4. Do I need to install any additional ODBC driver(s)?

5. Why was I successful in creating the ODBC connection in Windows, but it failed in Delphi?

6. Will Visual Studio.NET (C#) work with Oracle XE, and what are the steps for setting that up?

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How To Connect Toad With 10g

Jan 9, 2010

i have installed oracle 10g and toad but i don't know how to connect toad with database

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