Constraints - Cannot Enter Multiple Lines Of Data?

Apr 8, 2008

I have some tables (below), but I'm having trouble entering multiple lines of data.Here are the tables I have created.

Quote: CUSTOMER table
SQL> create table customer
2 (customer_no char(6) not null,
3 name varchar2(30) not null,
4 address varchar2(50) not null,
5 credit_limit number(6,2),
6 constraint customer_customer_no_pk primary key (customer_no));

Table created.
SQL> create table salesman
2 (salesman_id char(8),
3 name varchar2(20) not null,
4 address varchar2(50) not null,
5 emaill_address varchar2(30),
6 constraint salesman_salesman_id_pk primary key (salesman_id));

Table created.
ITEM table
SQL> create table item
2 (ISBN char(13) not null,
3 title varchar2(30) not null,
4 price number(4,2) not null,
5 constraint item_ISBN_pk primary key (ISBN));

Table created.
SQL> create table invoice
2 (invoice_no char(1) not null,
3 invoice_date date not null,
4 salesman_id char(8),


Table created.
SQL> create table delivery
2 (invoice_no char(1) not null,
3 ISBN char(13) not null,


Table created. I can enter data into the customer, salesman and item table without any problems. However, I need to enter multiple lines of data using the same invoice_no (which is 1). The data is generally the same, except for 2 things need changing but I keep getting the following error...

Quote: ORA-00001: unique constraint(SYSTEM.INVOICE_INVOICE_NO_PK) violated

I understand that I can only use invoice_no once since it is a unique key.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Enter Multiple Languages Data Into A Table?

Jun 19, 2012

i need to enter multiple languages data into a table.

i did configuration assistant with nls_charecterset=AL32UTF8

but it didn't store other languages strings like hindi,french,japan...etc

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PL/SQL :: Concat Multiple Output Lines?

Nov 21, 2012

I'm struggling with a problem for quite a while now and can't find any solution online so far ...

OK I got three different Tables

nuxx :1
naxx :2
baxx :3
suxx :4


As you see, I only need the Customer one time followed by part, amount and address - separated hyphen - comma, next part, amount, address and so on ...I've tried the PIVOT way and STRAGG (wm_concat) but all failed so far.The main problem is that when one customer fits more than one condition, ora throws: ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row

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Split Procedure Parameters Over Multiple Lines

Apr 4, 2007

When referencing a procedure during a trigger, can I split the parameters across multiple lines? Similar to a backslash in perl? I've written a simple send mail procedure and it works well, though the parameter list is large and I'd like to be able to format the code for readability, i.e.:

send_mail('', ', ???
'Subject', 'Message');

What would I replace ??? with to extend the procedure to the next line?

I know this sounds like a very elementary question, but I've yet to figure it out via queries on these forums or Google. Perhaps I'm not choosing the right words.

When creating the procedure, i was able to use || to extend the utl_smtp function parameters, but I get an error when using the same syntax during trigger creation.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Multiple Check Constraints

Feb 17, 2011

why my code wont work. Am trying to create a constraint so that the only data that can be entered into the size field is a number between 4 and 15.

CREATE TABLE accommodation
(chalet_no NUMBER (3) PRIMARY KEY,
chalet_name VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL,
size NUMBER CHECK (size >3) AND CHECK (size <16),
priceperweek NUMBER (4,2) NOT NULL);

Does seem to like line 4 of the code.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Email And Display Data In Lines

Jun 6, 2012

formatting the mail message sent using utl_mail, i have created one table and it has around 17 rows inside as sample and it may increase as well, my present email format is in single line..find below the code i have written along with test case, you may substitute your emailid for test, especially my main focus is on the column mrk , where all the mrk are comming in one line but i want to be arranged in a line not more thant 10 rows, if it exceeds it should go to next line.

INTO FAB_LOG VALUES ('1018017M-6001')
INTO FAB_LOG VALUES ('1018017M-6002')
INTO FAB_LOG VALUES ('1018017M-6003')
INTO FAB_LOG VALUES ('1018017M-6004')
INTO FAB_LOG VALUES ('1018017M-6005')
INTO FAB_LOG VALUES ('1018017M-6006')

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Copying Data From Table (with No Constraints) To Table With Constraints?

Jun 13, 2012

I want to create a store procedure to copy data from a source tables(which may not have any constraints defined) to a table which has primary key, foreign key and unique key constraints.

Any records which are rejected due to these constraints not being satisfied need to go another table.

Once the initial data load is done, these procedures need to be automated(through cron) to do the future incremental uploads in the same manner.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Delete Previously Stored Data And Enter Only Current Data In A Table?

Jul 24, 2012

how to insert data in a table by deleting previous entered data and only inserting current data like:

name VARCHAR2(20),
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('aaa',5500);


I got two rows. now when I do insert statement I want to delete the previously stored data and only insert the current data like:

INSERT INTO test VALUES ('aaa',8);
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('aaa',9);

it must show aaa,8 and aaa,9 bt not the previous values.

NOTE: we can not do sth like: update set... where id = ... becoz the values are dynamic.

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Server Utilities :: How To Load Tabbed Data Lines For Specific Header

Aug 5, 2010

I have requirement of loading a part of the flat file that contains many headers and lines info. The program has to load the lines whose header recrd_type is 05 using SQL*LOADER.

eg of flat file.

trans_code comp date rec_type
8 12800002 0729201005
transcode_line acct date refrence
4424604001002738307272010 24427330207710017569675
4424604001002738307272010 24427330207710017569675

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Forms :: Enter Data In Mandatory Fields

Mar 29, 2011

I developed a custom Form using Form Builder 6i. This Form has selection criteria (data to be entered in a couple of fields) and a "Find" Button, which queries the data (based on the selection criteria) and populates all fields on the Form.

This Form has a couple of "Required" fields in its search criteria section. When data is not populated in any of the Required fields and "Find" button is clicked upon, Form raises an exception and pops up a message indicating the user 'to enter data in mandatory fields'. However, this message keeps popping up and would not stop.

So, I'm not able to proceed with querying data on my custom Form. I had to kill the session and reconnect to front end to overcome this issue.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Copy Data And Constraints From One Table To Another

Dec 20, 2011

how to copy data and constraints from one table to another table

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Delete Data Without Disable Constraints

Feb 14, 2013

I want to delete data from say 100 tables without disable the constraints.

Tables having foreign key.. which is giving error if I select table randomly to delete.

I want to know the query which will give me the sequence of all tables based upon dependencies, so that If i delete the data on that sequence, it wont give me child record exists error.

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Server Utilities :: Import Constraints Only From Dump File Using Oracle Data Pump?

Nov 16, 2011

How to import constraints only from a dump file using Oracle data pump.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Insert Data In Multiple Bases Using Multiple Database Links

Jan 2, 2013

how to insert the data in multiple bases( Same table structure in different bases) using the multiple database links?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Get More Lines Into One Line?

Jul 31, 2012

how to get more lines into one line per customer.

For instance:

accounting_month_key number,
customer_key VARCHAR2(18 BYTE),
total_amount VARCHAR2(29 BYTE)
insert into XXX_MAPE_CC
values (201205, 313774201, '15,03')


And I would like get every total_amount to individual columns by accounting_month_key

customer_key month_201205 month_201206 month_201207
313774201 15,03 10,03 13,10

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Remove All Of Indentations From Lines

May 16, 2007

In Oracle XE when I run PL/SQL in the SQL Commands window I will sometimes get a "Not found" error. It further reads, "The requested URL /apex/wwv_ was not found on this server". I found that if I remove all of the indentations from the lines of the PL/SQL code everything will work fine. Talk about a screwy problem. So, if you have that problem just take all of your PL/SQL code and slam it up against the left margin.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query Against EBS Order Lines And Headers

Sep 6, 2012

I want added one new column in the below report which will shows only the items purchased on Cash basis but when i am running the query the column not showing any data.

The query is :

Select DISTINCT||' Spare Parts' ORG, oh.order_number, trx.trx_number, trx.trx_date, p.party_name CUSTOMER, l.ordered_item,
/* ( Select Distinct it.description From MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B it Where it.inventory_item_ID = l.inventory_item_id and it.organization_id = o.organization_id) Item_Desc, */
l.ordered_quantity, l.line_number,
l.inventory_item_id, l.unit_list_price , ----
a.account_number CST_NO ,
oh.Attribute1 MODEL , oh.Attribute2 SERL_NO, oh.attribute3 PAYM_MODE ,
u.user_name Prep_By, oh.CUST_PO_NUMBER PO_NUM,

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SQL & PL/SQL :: If Exist / Then Display As Lines As String Between /

Oct 12, 2010

I got some records in the table between the sign / Some of these records are separated by / And I would like to get something like:

If exist / inside the string then display as lines as string between /

For instance:

select handset_brand, handset_model
from the_table;
display : handset_brand: Siemens
handset_model: A35 / A36 / A40 / B35N

I need to get 4 lines:

handset_brand: Siemens
handset_model: A35
handset_brand: Siemens
handset_model: A36
handset_brand: Siemens
handset_model: A40
handset_brand: Siemens
handset_model: B35N

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Forms :: Refresh Detail Lines When Header Changes?

Oct 21, 2010

My issues is when I changes the data in Header block the detail block should corresponding data immediately related to header on the detail lines.

The form is based on master detail relationship.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Limit On Number Of Lines Of Code Ijn Block

Jun 23, 2010

if i execute

insert into t values('hgahaha');
<17000 times insert statement>

I get following error

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06550: line 16385, column 13:
PLS-00123: program too large

But instead of pl/sql block if i write the insert statements as sql file and execute it produces no error

Does it mean pl/sql has limit on number of lines of code to 16385?

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Oracle 9i Database Full While Inserting Lines?

Nov 12, 2012

i wanna copy data from a table to another one (same structure, only difference is that the second table is partitioned). the origin table consists of about millions of lines so i made an insert :

insert into table2 select * from table1. the insertion doesn't end correctly : TOAD crashes, any line was inserted in table2 : select * from ...etc.

However, the file system becomes full. i would if there is a way to purge something like cache ..., are these lines inserted somewhere : temporary table...,

so i can reduce filesystem size.

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PL/SQL :: Counting The Number Of Lines For Each Procedure In A Package

Jul 31, 2012

I would like to write a query on USER_SOURCE that can display the number of code lines for each procedure/function in a package. Is it possible to write such a query? Maybe by using analytical functions?

for example in the following example i would like to count the lines between

"PROCEDURE proc1 IS" and "END proc1;" and between "PROCEDURE proc2 IS" and "END proc2;"
SQL> select text  from user_source where name='PKG_TEST' and type='PACKAGE BODY';

update t1 set EDITION_NAME = 'AAAAAAA';
END proc1;

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Application Express :: Getting Chart With 4 Lines And 2 Y Axis?

Apr 25, 2013

i need a chart with 4 lines and 2 y axis. 2 lines on the first y axis, 2 lines on the other y axis.First i tried to create 4 series and "multiple y axis", then i get the first line at one y axis, and all the other lines at the second y axis.

After that i have seen that it is possible to return more than one value within one series, so i create 2 series with 2 values each - i thought that then i will get the first 2 values at one y axis and the other 2 lines of the second serie at the second y axis... but sadly it is not like i expected - i get the same result as with 4 it really necessary to create a custom xml for that?

here is my example: [URL] as you can see the blue and the red line are on different axis.the query of one serie looks like that (it gives the values of a day and the day before), the queries are ok.

select null link, to_char(a.ts,'DD.MM HH24:MI') label, sum(*100/12) over (
partition by trunc(a.ts) order by a.ts rows between
unbounded preceding and current row
) "KWh",
sum(*100/12) over (
partition by trunc(b.ts) order by b.ts rows between


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Count Number Of Lines In Multi Line String

Aug 2, 2007

I have a string like this:

s_list varchar2(234) :=

How can I find the number of lines in this string? I tried using

INSTR('s_list', '
', 1, 1)

but it gives 0.

Is there any inbuilt function/proc SQL or PL/SQL which can do this?

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Client Tools :: How To Eliminate Blank Lines In Between Queries In Output

Apr 28, 2010

I am spooling to a text file some output for a client. The file has 4 queries in it, one creates a header row, another a comment row, another the data rows and finally a trailer.

Code looks something like this:

Custom Extract
Project: Plan Data Extract
Product: EOWin 4.02 - Oracle db
Use: Script to create above extract and spool results to text file
Input Parameters: &1 Path and name of output file


and the output looks like this:

HDR,04272010,Plan Data

CMT,Plan Num,Plan ID,Plan Name,Shares Allocated

DAT,1,01,Plan 01,99999999
DAT,2,02,Plan 02,99999999
DAT,3,03,Plan 03,99999999
DAT,4,04,Plan 04,99999999

but the client and I want the output to look like this with no blank lines in between the queries:

HDR,04272010,Plan Data
CMT,Plan Num,Plan ID,Plan Name,Shares Allocated
DAT,1,01,Plan 01,99999999
DAT,2,02,Plan 02,99999999
DAT,3,03,Plan 03,99999999
DAT,4,04,Plan 04,99999999

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Meaning Of Lines CPU Cores And 99th Percentile In Average Active Session

Apr 18, 2013

I´m monitoring a 11g database with OEM. I have a couple of questions regarding the Average Active Sessions chart:

- What does the line 'CPU core' means? The DB is running in a virtual server with 8 CPUs. However, the line 'CPU core' is in 1. Does it mean that Oracle is just using 1 CPU?
- What represents the '99th percentile' line? The chart shows several sessions above that line, something is not working well, isn't it?

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Workflow :: External Sales Order Lines Remain In Internal Req Requested Status

Feb 13, 2013

Customer sales order lines are fulfilled by IR-ISO. When line progresses, it is set to have Internal Req Requested status. A scheduled program runs amd IR are created. However, sales order line status does not change to Internal Req Open. It remains in Internal Req Requested status.

As a work around, workflow is rewound to 'Check ATR Qty' which is customized activity and then status changes to Internal Req Open. What could be the reason that workflow is not setting the status to Internal Req Open?

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Forms :: Concatenate Or Copy Value On Enter Or WVI

May 27, 2013

I have three database fields on my form , field_1 , field_2 and field_3 , user will enter the data in field_1 , and sometime he may not enter in field_2 ,

I want to bring the value of field_1 as it is into field_3 if he does not enter anything in field_2, if he enters the data in field_2 , then field_1 will get concatenated with field_2 and gets copied into field_3.Is there a way to do this automatically at form level using a trigger when-validate-item.In short this should be done after user presses the enter key on field_2.

create table ot_Sale_code_head ( sale_code varchar2(12),code1 varchar2(6),code2 varchar(6),code3 varchar2(12));
insert into ot_Sale_code_head ('A','01.01',NULL,NULL);
--inserted record in form will be 'A','01.01',NULL,'01.01'
insert into ot_Sale_code_head ('B','01.01','PS-P',NULL);
--inserted record in form will be 'B','01.01','PS-P','01.01.PS-P'

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Enter Value At Run Time In Case Statement

Jun 3, 2010

The code written in PL SQL.I am using '&' operator to enter the values at run time in nested case statements.But when I chosen a value for case statement even though it is asking all the values which are not part of the selected case statement.I need only the values related to my choice in case statement.

choice1:= &CHOICE_NO1;

that is my exact code.when I enter value 1 for choice1 and 2 for choice2 It should ask the values only for student_ scorecard. delete_ record (& STUDENTID); &studentid. But it is asking all the functions (student_scorecard.existing_marks(&ID,&SUBJECTNAME));(student_ scorecard. std_ major_ name (&STD_ID)) and procedures.I dont want that.

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Forms :: How To Detect When ENTER Key Pressed

Mar 5, 2010

I have 2 text fields as search criteria and a push button to search. When the user enter any on first field (or in any text field) and press ENTER key, I want to execute the search.

I tried the key-next-item trigger, but it's firing when I press TAB key.

How can I detect ENTER key?

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