Client Tools :: Unable To See Database List In Dropdown Of PL/SQL Developer

Mar 27, 2013

I installed Oracle 11g client and set the ORACLE_HOME and tns_admin env variables.I installed the pl/sql developer, but unfortunately after installing , i am unable to see any database details in the drop-down list of pl/sql developer.

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Client Tools :: List Of Tables In PL/SQL Developer

Feb 4, 2010

I can do any sql commands against the schema I want (PSUSYS) with my username(SCHWAN) in the sql window, but when I want to export a table(created with a different schema) no tables are listed in the export window. This does work for my coworkers with the same access.

At one time this used to work so I'm wondering if it is a parameter that I inadvertently changed.

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Client Tools :: Unable To Use Toad And PL/SQL Developer

Jun 17, 2010

Due to company restrictions, i unable to use oracle third party tools such as toad, pl / sql developer etc except oracle sql developers. I heard Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio is best option to work oracle pl/sql and sql.

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Client Tools :: Able To Connect From SQL-Assistant BUT Unable To Connect From SQL Developer

Jul 7, 2012

I have been troubling with this issue for the last two weeks...tried so much, but could not able to resolve....

sqlplus username/password@IPAddress:port/ServiceName

I am able to connect to DATABASE from SQLAssistant only when I provide string like ABOVE........If I dont mention the SERVICE, m unable to connect to DB.Now the biggest issue is with SQL Developer.....m not at all able to connect to DB using SQL Developer.

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Client Tools :: Compare Schemas And Database Objects Using TOAD And SQL Developer

Apr 17, 2013

My primary objective was to compare objects in schemas in two different databases and find out the differences, Execute DDL's in the database where objects are missing and syn schemas in two different databases. So I need to compare schemas in databases. make a comparison of database objects existing in schemas in two different databases. I'd like to see if I can get a list of pro and cons between Toad and SQL Developer for comparing schemas pros and cons. navigation in SQL Developer to compare schemas.

Connect to Source
Connect to Target
Compare schemas with different object types
Find out differences
Generate DDL's for the missing objects or for the objects in difference report
Run them in missing instace(Source/Target)
Make sure both are in sync.

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Client Tools :: How To Configure SQL DEVELOPER Via Virtual Machine Oracle Database

Mar 21, 2012

i have oel installed on my parallel Virtual machine.

i have a problem with configuring sql developer to the oracle database which is located in my virtual machine.

my os is windows7 32 bit.

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Client Tools :: Login To Database Through Pl/sql Developer - ORA-01031 / Insufficient Privileges

Oct 28, 2013

While trying to logging to database through pl/sql developer, getting error as "ORA-01031: insufficient privileges".But am able to logging by system.

As per the instruction by the below link, checked the privileges of ord_dba. All are correct. Now, i am in puzzle to rectify the error.


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Client Tools :: Unable To Connect To Database?

Oct 4, 2013

I am getting error in my database....

SQL> conn scott/tiger;
ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress

I tried shutdown and startup

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Oct 4 22:31:06 2013

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

SQL> connect /as sysdba
SQL> shutdown;
ORA-01507: database not mounted


ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01219: database not open: queries allowed on fixed tables/views only

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Client Tools :: Oracle 10gR2 Database Server - Unable To Use Isqlplus?

Apr 11, 2007

I have installed Oracle 10gR2 database server recently in the Windows box. The database works fine. But I am unable to connect through the Internet Explorer. I found that the service for the isqlplus is not available. Do I need to run any script for creating the service?

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Client Tools :: Unable To Insert Euro Symbol In Database With Character Set WE8MSWIN1252?

Mar 29, 2011

I am using oracle on HP-UX.

I am unable to insert and even display euro symbol from server as well as windows client.

Following are the details of my database server

SQL> select * from nls_database_parameters;
------------------------------ ----------------------------------------


1) When I try to insert € from Db server (using putty) using Alt+0128 it does not print anything (nothing gets typed on the screen). Not even junk characters Also following query does not print anything

SQL> select chr(128) from dual;

2) while I set NLS_LANG on client and try to insert €, Alt+0128 produces a question mark symbol And following query displays junk character

SQL> select chr(128) from dual;


3) Regardless when I inserted couple of rows and tried UNISTR following was the result

SQL> select unistr(v) from t;
Error 45 initializing SQL*Plus
Internal error

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Client Tools :: Database Won't Start / Unable To Initialize Oracle Call Interface

Mar 10, 2010

I am facing the problem in windows 7. I have oracle client 10g installed. When i run sqlplus from comand prompt it gives the error as:

SP2-1503: Unable to initialize Oracle call interface
SP2-0152: ORACLE may not be functioning properly

When I select the executable 'sql+' and run as administrator it works fine.

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Client Tools :: Unable To Connect Database / ORA-27101 / Shared Memory Realm Does Not Exist

Feb 21, 2012

[oracle@localhost ~]$ sqlplus system/password
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Feb 21 20:20:09 2012
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist
Linux Error: 2: No such file or directory

But when i am using SID name while connecting to database i am able to connect...

[oracle@localhost ~]$ sqlplus system/password@apple
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Feb 21 20:21:42 2012
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

I have only one database...

# tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.


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Client Tools :: PL/SQL Developer And Tnsnames.ora 10g?

Apr 3, 2008

I'm trying to connect to my DBs.I installed Oracle Client 10g, but PLSQL Dev. 7.1.4 doesn't find my tnsnames.ora.

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Client Tools :: PL/SQL Developer - ORA-12514 TNS?

Sep 30, 2012

I am using PL/SQL Developer.When i am trying to login with PL/SQL Developer i am getting the error

ORA-12514:TNS:listner does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor

How to solve this one?

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Client Tools :: Getting Error While Connecting To DB In PL/SQL Developer

Dec 5, 2012

I am able to connect to the DB in TOAD , but I am not able to connect to the DB in PL/SQL developer.

PL/SQL developer

01.61091 - Unlimited user license
Windows 7 6.1 Build 7601 (Service Pack 1)
Oracle 11g

I am getting the below error

ORA-12154: TNS could not resolve the connect identifier specified

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Client Tools :: Sql Developer Startup Is Slow?

Apr 15, 2013

I am finding Oracle sql developer start up to be very slow.It takes more than 5 - 10 mins to startup.It seems for long startup.Its installed on Windows 7 machine in c: drive. Want to know what is causing it to be too slow.virus scanning, JVM startup.... ?

Oracle Sql developer Version --
Java(TM) Platform -- 1.6.0_43

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Client Tools :: Generating Tkprof From SQL Developer

May 8, 2013

How do i get tkprof trace file in sqldeveloper tool ? I donot have access sql in command mode.

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Client Tools :: Characters Differences Between SQL+ And SQL Developer

Sep 20, 2013

we have an issue on a server, where if we insert a value containing foreign characters from SQL+ we see it screwed up from SQLdev, whereas if we do the same insert from SQLdev it's then screwed up in SQL+.

All operations are performed on the DB server itself, SQLdev connection type is TNS and the entry being used is the same as the one used by SQL+.We checked v$nls_parameters and the values contained there are the same from both SQL+ and SQLdev.

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Client Tools :: SQL Developer Not Working Constantly

Aug 31, 2013

sql developer tool which i am using to run query for every hour getting disconnected and to run a new query after an hour,i need to make a new connection again.Could you tell me an alternate way that should not disconnect the session in sql developer.

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Client Tools :: Oracle SQL Developer Connection

Feb 1, 2011

I have installed Oracle 11g R1 and have problem in connecting Oracle SQL Developer.

I have given user name: ora; pswd: ora.

In command prompt it works fine if I gave as below.
uid: ora as sysdba
pswd: ora

But when I am trying to connect to Oracle SQL Developer it says TNS listener does not know SID.

So I reinstalled this since i have doubt on myself whether I made mistake first time. Also I have doubt whether the un installation completely clears all the files from Registry. - What should I do to clear all the files from registry when un-installing.

1] What is SID. Is it session ID. If so how to find it.
2] Is there any way to confirm the values such HOST NAME: localhost, PORT: 1521, SID: (By default it has 'xe') which I gave for data base connection are correct.

I tried with SID value:135 (I got this value by executing [Select distinct sid from V$mystat;])

3] Is there any editor for practicing sql & pl sql queries. where I can download it.

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Client Tools :: Submit Request Via SQL Developer?

Oct 3, 2012

I'm using the below code in SQL Developer, trying to submit a request:

vRequest_id NUMBER;


However, when i check the fnd_concurent_request table, nothing is I just used the following code in SQL Developer and it worked:

L_NUMBER number;

Is it due to the different types of packages im using? i.e. public/private? or is there an api i can use in SQL Developer to submit the request?

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Client Tools :: Connect From Oracle 9i To Sql Developer?

Aug 30, 2011

how i can add new connection to sql developer i had made a database name abb how i will connect that to sql developer.

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Client Tools :: Keyboard Shortcuts In PL/SQL Developer

Apr 29, 2010

In plsql developer I could not find keyboard shortcuts. How to got to results after query is executed? Also need other key board shortcuts in plsql developer.

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Client Tools :: Creating Procedure Using SQL Developer?

Jan 23, 2012

I am trying to get my stored procedures together again after many years of working on MS SQL server. I'm alternating between using SQL-Plus and Oracle SQL Developer for Mac. In SQL Developer - which I like to use - I keep getting errors at the point where the END command for the package header occurs and the create command for the package body starts.

I've found that if I run the following in SQL-Plus I'm OK but if I try it from SQL Developer I get a compile error such as following or else an error telling me that it expects function, or pragma or something to that effect:

Error(8,1):PLS-00103:Encountered the symbol "/"

The code is as follows:
PROCEDURE sampleproc_4(
pParam1 in integer,
pParam2 out varchar2);


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Client Tools :: Line Numbering For SQL Developer

Aug 28, 2013

I have a question regarding SQL Developer. When opening a SQL Developer worksheet, there are two different panes or work areas; the upper pane contains the query code and the bottom pane contains the query results (output). Using the

Tools===Preferences tab, I was able to enable line numbering for the top pane (code) but I haven't figured out how to enable line numbering for the bottom pane (results area). how to enable line numbering for the bottom pane?

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Client Tools :: Display Windows On Oracle SQL Developer?

Sep 10, 2013

find in the menu of Oracle SQL Developer how to display the result of explain plan for .. I have just "Succès de l'élément plan FOR".

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Client Tools :: Error When Trying To Connect Sybase Through SQL Developer

Nov 17, 2012

I am getting bellow error message when trying to connect Sybase through Sql developer: status:failure-test failed:IO Error:The network adapter

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Client Tools :: How To Export / Import A Table Using PL/SQL Developer

Aug 28, 2010

How to export and import table using Pl/Sql developer from one database to another.

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Client Tools :: SQL Developer Cuts CLOB Contents?

Aug 23, 2011

I'm having a problem while exporting an DB to file. I have a certain table with a CLOB column which values are cut when I use the Export option on SQL Developer.

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Client Tools :: To See Euro Symbol In PL/SQL Developer On Windows 7

Nov 22, 2012

When I try to select euro symbol in a table it is showing as '¿' in pl/sql developer on windows 7 where as I am able to see in windows XP.

SQL> select '€' from dual;


suggest to get the euro symbol.

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