Circular Synonym Error While Importing Dump?

Mar 5, 2011

I have a db instance in which several schemas are there. I have taken a dump of a particular schema(user) using oracle exp command

exp <username>/<passwd>@<dbname> FULL=y FILE=export.dmp LOG=exportdb.log CONSISTENT=y

Now I have another db where I wish to import the above dump. This is not a empty db, however, I have dropped the particular user from this db for which I have created a dump above. Then I have created the same user using 'create user....'.And now I am trying to import the above dump into this.

imp '<username>/<passwd>@<dbname>' FILE=C:\DUMP\Dump\export.dmp LOG=C:\DUMP\logs\imp_dmp.log FULL=Y

import goes fine but I gets the circular synonym error for some of the types.

IMP-00003: ORACLE error 4055 encountered
ORA-04055: Aborted: "O_BULK_TARGET_SELECTOR" formed a non-REF mutually-dependent cycle with "T_GENERAL_IDLIST".
ORA-06550: line 5, column 25:
PLS-00421: circular synonym 'PUBLIC.T_GENERAL_IDLIST'

The db from which I created the dmp has no errors for these objects, but while impoting it gives these errors.I have even tried taking the whole database dmp(not a particular user), and importing it into full empty database. Then also I gets the same error.

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Server Utilities :: Error While Importing Dump File In Oracle 10g R1

Nov 1, 2012

While trying to import a schema using Data Dump, I am facing the following issue - UDI-00018 - Import utility version can not be more recent than the Data Dump server.Following is the version information of the source and target DB and the utilities :

Source DB server :
Export utility :
Import utility :

Target DB server :
Export utility :
Import utility :

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Server Utilities :: Importing 9i Dump Into 10g?

Jun 22, 2011

how can i import the oracle 9i dump file into 10g database, while iporting i get following error imp-00002 fail to open dump file

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Importing From A Dump File - Incompatible Version Number

Sep 3, 2012

import from dump (.dmp) file. I'm running Oracle database 11g Enterprise edition release

the import statement I'm using is

impdp system/password@orcl full=Y DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir dumpfile=mydmpfile.dmp logfile=min.log

and the error I'm getting is "incompatible versionnumber 3.1 in the dumpfile mydmpfile.dmp"

The dump file was exported using oracle I tried to download/unzip the client version of instantclient and add it to the PATH variable in windows and then re-run the script, but it didn't work.

How I should go from here to import this dump file without reinstalling the whole database?

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Importing A Dump Using Parameters

Sep 26, 2012

I'm importing a dump using this parameters:

impdp system schemas=schemaname directory=DIR transform=segment_attributes:n:table dumpfile=FILE.DMP logfile=FILE.logand upon import, i have this error.

Failing sql is:
GRANT SELECT ON "schemaname"."tablename" TO "NAME"
ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
ORA-01917: user or role 'NAME' does not exist
Failing sql is:

I know that "NAME" was created on the previous instance either role or user where the dump came. My question is, how can i remove this error since this role/user is not needed to the new instance and what parameter should i include to my import script?

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Server Utilities :: Importing Dump From Higher Database Version 2 Lower

Aug 3, 2010

We can Import dump from higher database version to lower database version.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Error When Create Synonym / ORA-01031 / Insufficient Privileges

Mar 13, 2013

from sysdba i grant to my user hospital creat any synonym but give me this error why ?

SQL> conn sys as sysdba
Enter password:
SQL> grant create any synonym to hospital
2 ;

Grant succeeded.

SQL> conn hospital
Enter password:
SQL> create public synonym Sur
2 for surgeries;
create public synonym Sur
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

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Server Utilities :: Character Set Error While Importing

Jun 9, 2011

I have oracle installed on Window server 2008 [Machine A] and oracle on windowx xp [Machine b]. Now I have taken the export of database on windows server 2k8 [Machine a] by puting the entry in the tnsname.ora file of Windox XP [Machine b].

Now when I am importing on the same machine I am getting the below mentioned error:

C:Documents and Settingsdsharma>IMP FROMUSER=SYSTEM TOUSER=ESCDBO FILE='D:sharevcc53_0106.dmp' LOG='D:sharevcc53_0106_IMP.LOG' ignore=y

Import: Release - Production on Thu Jun 9 20:08:11 2011
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Username: system

Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production..With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

Export file created by EXPORT:V10.02.01 via conventional path
import done in WE8MSWIN1252 character set and UTF8 NCHAR character set
import server uses AL32UTF8 character set (possible charset conversion)
export client uses US7ASCII character set (possible charset conversion)
Import terminated successfully without warnings.

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Server Utilities :: Importing From 9i To 11g - Getting ORA-29339 Error Because Of Block Size?

Oct 5, 2010

We are working on migrating from to 11.2 and we've set up a test machine so that we could test the install and the import (as well as test additional 11g features that we want to begin using).

So we created the database and created all of the tablespaces beforehand.

Our import command is

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/imp system/manager FULL=Y BUFFER=140000 FILE=/dbexport/Lhtech.exp VOLSIZE=2000M GRANTS=Y INDEXES=Y COMMIT=Y IGNORE=Y

However, when we run the import, we get the errors like so:

Import: Release - Production on Tue Oct 5 15:01:19 2010
Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
Export file created by EXPORT:V09.02.00 via conventional path


First of all, the block size in our "newly" created tablespaces is 8192...and these are obviously trying to recreate the tablespaces with a block size of 2048.

1) Why is it not ignoring these create tablespace commands when those tablespaces already exist?

2) how in the world do we get around the block size issue? We've tried nearly everything we could find, but we've still not had any luck.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Getting Error While Importing DMP File Through Toad

Oct 25, 2012

Im trying to import DMP file through Toad but below error while importing. My DMP file from 11G and importing into 10g server.

ORA-39000: bad dump file specification
ORA-39143: dump file "D:oracleproduct10.2.0adminorcl1dpdumpdumpfile1.dmp" may be an original export dump file

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Error While Doing Import Using Data Dump?

Dec 8, 2012

we have a requirement to export full database dump from source database to target database.

source database - Oracle
OS version - AIX 5.3
character set: UTF8

target database - Oracle
OS version - 6.1
character set: AL32UTF8

i did export from source database and give it to DBA of target database as dump files.

when he tried to import using this dump, he got the following error for 3 tables

ORA-02374: conversion error loading table
ORA-12899: value too large for column
ORA-02372: data for row

DBA is telling there is character conversion issue and i need to change the source database character set (NLS_CHARACTERSET) and then export these 3 tables separately.

But on analysis, i found UTF8 is subset of AL32UTF8 and hence oracle would do this conversion implicitly.

My query is:

1. For this issue, only solution is to change the source database character set as same as target database, then do the export or any other way available?

2. If i need to change the source database character set, would it affect other data available there?

3. Is there any way available doing character set conversion while doing "expdp" on the fly?

4. Is this issue comes because of oracle version ( to ) or OS (AIX 5.3 to 6.1)?

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Server Utilities :: Error / Bad Dump File Specification / Invalid Argument Value

Nov 21, 2012

I restore Dump File in Oracle 10g .

my Command is :


An error message is as follows:

"Invalid argument value"

"Bad dump file specification"

"Dump File may ba an original export Dump file "

I think the dump File is in Oracle 11g Format .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Determine If / When Hierarchical Circular Reference Will Occur?

May 6, 2011

I'm trying to determine if/when a possible Hierarchical circular reference will occur in my data

Sample Hierarchical structure that I have

Emp -> Supv


Finally, to my question. It seems that I can detect the problem After it happens but do I need a trigger on the update statement to detect if/when a possible circular reference will occur?? or can I run a sql statement prior to update to detect possible circular reference?

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ORA-01731 Circular View Definition Encountered

Feb 22, 2013

I created a view for emp1 table.

SQL> select   view_name , text   from  dba_views  where VIEW_NAME='EMP1_VIEW';          


EMP1_VEW       select  empid , ename , qual,  dept  from  emp1
where  empid  between  1000 and  1010

Now  i tried to  use create or replace option

SQL>create or replace  view emp1_view as
*2 select * from emp1_view with read only;*
create or replace  view emp1_view as
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01731: circular view definition encountered

Actually i want to make read only  view (emp1_view) ;  without  doping  ;

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Application Express :: Error Importing Existing Application Into Production?

Aug 6, 2012


I had an error importing an application into Production that was exported from Development. The application exists and I was trying to replace it.

The error I received was:

ORA-20001: GET_BLOCK Error. ORA-20001: Execution of the statement was unsuccessful.
ORA-20001: Error creating dynamic action sub-action name=&quot;NATIVE_JAVASCRIPT_CODE&quot; id=&quot;9503820976918886&quot;
ORA-02291: integrity constraint (APEX_040000.WWV_FLOW_PAGE_DA_A_AR_FK) violated - parent key not found<pre>
begin wwv_flow_api.create_page_da_event ( p_id =&gt; 9504132415918888 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset ,p_flow_id =&gt; wwv_flow.g_flow_id ,p_page_id =&gtI

opened the SQL that was created from the export utility and this is where it errored:

wwv_flow_api.create_page_da_event (
  p_id => 9503820976918886 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset
,p_flow_id => wwv_flow.g_flow_id
,p_page_id => 6
,p_name => 'Add tooltip to Numeric filter operators'
,p_event_sequence => 40


Unless I'm not understanding this error it means that it can find the ACTION part that is attached to the WHAT part of this Dynamic Action? The Dynamic Action does work when the application is run (in Development)also, there are 3 others that are similar to this one. The export was created by the export utility in the Application Builder.

If I export only the page and import that into Production the import is successful and the page runs correctly. This is error is happening only when I try to import the entire Application.There are many other changes made which is why I was trying to do an Application export/import instead of individual pages.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Handling Circular Data In Oracle / Get Disjoint Sets Of Data Connected By 2 Values

Sep 29, 2011

I have this table :

column1 column2
--------- ---------
value1 value2
value1 value3
value2 value4
value3 value7
value7 value1
value8 value9

What I was trying to retrieve is something like that:

value1, value2, value3, value4, value7
value8, value9

I don´t care about the order of the values in the row. In other words, I want to get disjoint sets of data connected by any of both values.Every pair in the input table is unique.

I have seen in the web that it is possible to do using connect by and hierarchical retrieving but I've been trying to make a lot of combinationts and I can reproduce the output.

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Reports & Discoverer :: REP-1241 Circular Column Dependency Originating With Column?

Jul 13, 2010

I receive the error,

REP-1241 Circular column dependency originating with column 'cenvat_opening'

I have the following return statement for a column total_credit;

function total_creditFormula return Number is
Return (return nvl(:cf_cenvat_closing ,0) - nvl(:cf_duty_on_goods_ed,0);

Now i am using this total_creditFormula for the error formula column 'cenvat_opening'

function cenvat_openingFormula return Number is
f_num_opn number(14,2);


here the formula column 'total_credit' has the following return statements;

RETURN Nvl(:cenvat_opening,0) + Nvl(:cenvat_credit_manu,0)

so how can i use this formula column? is there any other option to return the value in the same column.

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How To Use Synonym In Stored Procedure

Aug 28, 2009

how to use a synonym in a stored procedure.

I have created a public synonym for a remote table on a different schema.

Im now trying to use the synonym to load that data into a temporary table in my schema using a stored procedure and im getting an error.

how to use a synonym in a stored procedure.

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Private Synonym Inside A Package?

Apr 25, 2012

I'm making a function A that does many calls to procedures in an other package B. To make this function more readable, I'd like to specify synonyms for the procedures in B. I only need the synonyms inside this function, I don't want to make database synonyms.

For example:

Function get_all_employees return clob
v_emp clob;


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Unable To Create Public Synonym

May 22, 2011

I have exported and imported a schema from one server to another. In the source schema, I have a public synonym. I do not know the name of that synonym. In the destination schema, the public synonym is missing. How to create the public synonym which is missing in the destination database? In the source, I queried dba_synonyms, all_synonyms... but it returns no rows selected.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Find Out Base Table Of Synonym?

Jun 10, 2011

How to find out the base table of a synonym?

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How To Collect Synonym Information And Compare

Oct 29, 2013

We are making Oracle Insight Application based on Oracle 11gR2 DB.We have two DEV environments. On Oct 17, we had trouble in one DEV environment.From dba_common_audit_trail , we found some user did drop public synonym statement and we doubt it as cause of the problem. I would like to collect synonym information of the two DEV environment.1How could I do that ?2And we are thinking of using Logminer to investigate the cause of problem.Logminer is usable to investigate the cause of problem if we have the REDO log of Oct 17 ?

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PL/SQL :: Creating View And Public Synonym With The Same Name?

Feb 15, 2013

I am able to create view and the public synonym with the same name but when I am quering view result is showing .

Is there any logic behind this .

CREATE PUBLIC synonym emp_dtls for emp;
SELECT * FROM emp_dtls;

view result is showing

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Unable To Disable Trigger On Synonym Table

Apr 19, 2012

I have schema a and b in the same database with synonym table a (schema a) to schema b. When I try to disable trigger from table a in schema b; I got this message:

ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

I have granted all permissions to schema b and I am able to SELECT FROM table a in schema b

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How Make Complete Schema Public Synonym

Apr 15, 2013

how to make the complete schema public synonym, instead of creating public synonym object by object.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Script To Find Out Objects Synonym And Privs

Jun 17, 2011

There are over 100 objects like tables,procedures,packages,triggers in my database.I am looking for a script/sql which should list out synonyms and grant privs on it.

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PL/SQL :: Create A Trigger To Check If Synonym Already Exists In DB

Mar 29, 2013

How can I create a trigger to check if synonym already exists in db and if exists then don't create synonym.

my work: ( this is just like an outline i prepared)

select * from all_synonyms;
s_exists number;
-- check whether the synonym exists
select 1 into s_exists from all_synonyms;
-- an error gets raise if it doesn't
exception when no_data_found then
-- DDL has to be done inside
execute immediate ' create or replace synonym';

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PL/SQL :: Reverse Update - Create Synonym In Different Schema

Aug 8, 2012

I have table a in database 1 . Now i have created the MV for table a in database 2.

then i am going to create a synonym in different schema in the database 2.

Now i want to update the synonym in database 2 the same as to refresh in table a database 1.

How to achieve this??

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Server Administration :: Remove Synonym STATS$SNAPSHOT-ID?

Sep 11, 2007

I've got to collect statistics by DBMS_STAT. For the first time, the spcreate.sql is to be called, however, it returned one error following:

If this script is automatically called from spcreate (which is the supported method), all STATSPACK segments will be created in the PERFSTAT user's default tablespace.

Using perfstat tablespace to store Statspack objects

... Creating STATS$SNAPSHOT_ID Sequence Sequence created.

create public synonym STATS$SNAPSHOT_ID for STATS$SNAPSHOT_ID
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

And then, I checked it again with its owner:

SQL> select owner, synonym_name
2 from dba_synonyms
3 where synonym_name='STATS$SNAPSHOT_ID';

------------------------------ ------------------------------

Then, I checked again after dropping schema PERFSTAT:

SQL> conn /as sysdba
SQL> select username, account_status


What's the STATS@SNAPSHOT_ID synonym? Can I remove it from PUBLIC owner and recreate?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Is Select Privileges (grants) Needed For Created Synonym

Jun 4, 2012

After created synonym, Is select privileges(grants) needed for created synonym? SQL> create or replace synonym gm_holding for gmblbpna. gm_ holding;

Synonym created.

SQL> select *
2 from gm_holding;
from gm_holding
ERROR at line 2: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

SQL> connect gmblbpna/gmblbpna@o03gpa0
SQL> grant select on gm_holding to solvency;

Grant succeeded.

SQL> connect solvency/solvency@o03gpa0
SQL> select count(1)
2 from gm_holding;

why grant need for synonym?

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