COALESCE Or Shrinking Datafile?

Sep 6, 2010

We have quarterly and yearly processes that deletes and updates data for millions of rows crossing different tables. To make room on the file system I would either like to remove empty datafiles (my preference) or coalesce TS to compact the data than remove the empty datafile.

Having said that, any query that can show me if a datafile has any data in it or a query that can show me whether a TS is a good candidate to be coalesced maybe a query with something displaying a percentage as to free and used extents and a YES/NO column whether to be coalesced or not.

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Difference Between Coalesce And Defragmentation?

Sep 1, 2012

What are all the differences between Coalesce and De-fragmentation? When i need to use Coalesce?

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Shrinking Data File

Mar 7, 2011

RAC: 6 node

1) We have a 4TB database and using BIG FILE datafiles for all the datafiles(DATA,INDEX,UNDO and TEMP).

Few tables have grown extremely to consumed entries ASM disks. we have purged its data. so the the data file have the free space. However the data have another tables' LOB segment at the end of the datafile. so we could not shrik the data file.

we could do data pump export/import or moving the different tablespace. But we do not have ASM space. 11g Tablespace re-organization also require additional space(beleive equal amount of tablespace)

Is there any way to shink the data file?

2) let us assume my datafile is 190G and it has 80 free space with in the datafile and my ASM diskgroup size is 200G(4x50GB).

If I drop 1 ASM disk from my diskgroup, will it shrink the datafile becuase it has only free space ?

3) we are having TDE license...But not advanced compression...can we do segment movement with table compression?

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Performance Tuning :: Oracle Coalesce Vs Index Rebuild?

Dec 30, 2010

We have large tables 60-70 GB having 120 million records. We have to perform index rebuild frequently which takes significant time to complete and effects database performance too. how we can use index Coalesce? what are its benefits, coalesce results in performance gain?

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Server Administration :: Command To Determine Which Table Can Benefit From Shrinking

Apr 14, 2010

I use following command to determine which table can benefit from shrinking

select * from
table(dbms_space.asa_recommendations('FALSE', 'FALSE', 'FALSE'))
order by reclaimable_space desc

then i give following command to get reclaimable space

alter table t1 enable row movement ;
alter table t1 shrink space cascade;
alter table t1 disable row movement ;

in table t1 427MB was shown as reclaimable space, after executing above commands, i run dbms_space procedure again to check the out come, but result was same.I understand tablespaces are by default ASSM in 11g, none of table has LONG datatype or LOB indexes or MVIEW with ON COMMIT.

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Datafile 11 - Not Exists

Aug 3, 2009

i see in my alert.log this message:

Errors in file /oracle/BWP/saptrace/usertrace/bwp_ora_2728058.trc:
ORA-01114: IO error writing block to file 1030 (block # 602122)
ORA-27063: number of bytes read/written is incorrect
IBM AIX RISC System/6000 Error: 28: No space left on device
Additional information: -1
Additional information: 180224

But this file_id i don't have in my database, i am making these queries:

SQL> select FILE_ID from dba_temp_files order by FILE_ID;


I don't have this file_id, why alert.log is showing me it? Of course, nobody has created this datafile and nobody has removed it too.

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PL/SQL :: Order By On Datafile Name

Sep 4, 2013

I am using 11GR2 and looking to find out a way , where in I able to extract the data files name in such a manner , where it lists data file in order of mount points. say data1 first and then so on.. Snippet from my data files

output. /db/ptmtrain/data1/system01.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data2/sysaux01.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data1/undotbs01.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data3/tools01.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data24/users01.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data25/users02.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data26/users03.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data2/rbs01.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data3/rbs02.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data2/rbs03.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data23/sans01.dbf 

should be something

like /db/ptmtrain/data1/system01.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data1/undotbs01.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data2/sysaux01.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data2/rbs03.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data2/rbs01.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data3/tools01.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data3/rbs02.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data23/sans01.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data24/users01.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data25/users02.dbf/db/ptmtrain/data26/users03.dbf  

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How To Shrink A Datafile

Feb 13, 2013

Database Version :11gR2

I have a tablespace which has around 32gb space consumed. But if i check the used space then its only 16GB. When i tried to resize the datafile it throws the error

ORA-03297: file contains used data beyond requested RESIZE valueAs per my understanding there are not continous blocks which are there in datafile due to fragmentation may be and there by not able to resize it. If i export the tablespace using datapump and reimport this will release the space.

But i want to know if there are any alternative ways to do the same.

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Moving Data From Datafile

Mar 7, 2011

In my Production DB. 5 Datafiles created in same tablespace. Datafile size is of 25GB. Data stored in all Datafile. Data is just 5GB in all datafile. I want to move data from 5 datafiles to single or couple of datafiles.

This is in Oracle 11g.

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Tablespace Autoextend Datafile

Apr 18, 2007

I have a small problem, i will try to explain it, My tablespaces are Automatically extend datafile when full (AUTOEXTEND). It had checked "autoextend ON" checkbox.

What I need to know is, when happened that autoextend accion(day/hour), is it possible?.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Datafile For External Table?

Mar 9, 2010

Every day we have use different data file for an external table to read from.

filename like this "filenameddmmyyyy"

Every day, I have to change name of datafile in external table script which is not a good way.

I want the automated way for external table to read the latest datafile from specified directory.

Further, there is anyway that we could know that the latest data file is available for external table.

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RMAN :: Backup Of A Datafile?

May 20, 2013

Suppose our database have 100 datafiles and right now rman has completed backup of 64 datafile(from file no 1 to file no 64) and in process of backup of 65 number datafile. In mean time I executed some query and it has changed the file no 55. so now my question whether rman will go and bacup this datafile(datafile no 55) again or it will leave this file as it is?

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How To Change Datafile Path

May 13, 2013

I need to change data file path, and i got some document also but one thing confusing me, we need to offline the Tablespace, so my concern is all the table space like system, sys, user, temp etc. need to offline and then alter the database?

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Datafile In Wrong Location

Jun 18, 2013

My production DB has a couple of datafiles that were created in the wrong place, plus they are tiny - 100mb each.  What is best way to get rid of them?

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Add Datafile On Remote Computer

Sep 19, 2012

i am working on oracle 10g windows & all my disks are full and i want to add a datafile on other computer . how can i do it ?

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Server Administration :: How To Drop Datafile

May 25, 2012

I can not drop datafile in a tablespace, how can i do?

SQL> Alter Database Datafile '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/oracl/hxl06.dbf'
Offline 2
3 /

Database altered.

SQL> Alter Tablespace tps_hxl
Drop Datafile '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/oracl/hxl06.dbf'; 2
Alter Tablespace tps_hxl
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-03264: cannot drop offline datafile of locally managed tablespace

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Windows :: Connect Tow Server Of Same DataFile

Nov 10, 2010

I have Tow Virtual Servers (Connect As Cluster) in the Same Computer The Files In the Drive C Different (of the Tow Servers) And Others Like (e,f,q) The Same Files

And There is Database of both Servers That Have Same Name Let say orcl and both database Have same Schema let Say sch
How I can Share The Data when i am insert to table. in the schema sch in the server A i can see Same Data That I have Inserted In the Schema sch in the server B.

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Server Administration :: How To Drop A Datafile

Dec 31, 2011

How to drop a datafile of tablespace.

SQL> alter database datafile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/oracl/hxl01.dbf' offline drop;

Database altered.The command success,but the dic view show the datafile also.

SQL> select file_name,tablespace_name from dba_data_files;
--------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
/u01/app/oracle/oradata/oracl/users01.dbf USERS
/u01/app/oracle/oradata/oracl/sysaux01.dbf SYSAUX
/u01/app/oracle/oradata/oracl/undotbs01.dbf UNDOTBS1
/u01/app/oracle/oradata/oracl/system01.dbf SYSTEM
/u01/app/oracle/oradata/oracl/hxl02.dbf TPS_TEST
/u01/app/oracle/oradata/oracl/hxl01.dbf TPS_TEST
6 rows selected.

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How To Check For Datafile Corruption Or Error

Oct 12, 2010

How can i check for datafile corruption or a datafile error,its some tool like Linux (fsck) command in Oracle that can halp to me to chack a datafile?.

Is any way to isolate the disk region that is corrupted?

If a disk error exist an an ASM disk group how can i isolate the error from that disk group? It's an alternative different to the VALIDATE DATAFILE command in RMAN?I'm using Oracle 11GR2 on a Linux Box.

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Server Administration :: Duplicate Datafile Name

Feb 29, 2012

I have oracle 10g running on Solaris with file system and some one created database files with same name but in different directories for example data01.dbf in two different directories, say /u01/oradata/data01.dbf and /u02/oradata/data01.dbf. Now, I want to find out the duplicate datafiles (data01.dbf in this case) sitting in different directories, is there anyway to find this out?

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Delete One Datafile From Tablespace Which Contain 2 Datafiles?

Oct 29, 2008

i want to delete one datafile from tablespace witch contain 2 datafiles

i did


and delete the file physiquly but i have already my datafile witch i have delete in my tablespace

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Restore Datafile After Opening DB Using Resetlogs?

Mar 5, 2013

We have cloned the db and after opening the db with resetlog option we came to know that one of the user db file is not part of the db and is showing the below error while checking the status and attempting to online it. When checking the size and availability of the dbfile it shows everything without errors.

SQL> alter database datafile 50 online;
alter database datafile 50 online
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01122: database file 50 failed verification check
ORA-01110: data file 50:
ORA-01251: Unknown File Header Version read for file number 50

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Check Availability Of Datafile For ETL Process?

Mar 26, 2010

develop a Oracle stored function or procedure to confirm a availability of datafile on a specific local directory to be read by Oracle External table. The fine looks like filenameddmmyyyy.csv.

I have create a Oracle directory named data_dir that is mapped with physical directory c: mep

Once it is confirmed that datafile is available the ETL process is started.

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Change Default Datafile Permission (640) To (644)

Mar 15, 2013

How datafile is created with 640 file permission by oracle software.(I know for security reasons it is created with 640 permission)

-rw-r----- 1 orasd dba 104865792 Mar 15 01:17 users01.dbf

I want to change the datafile permission as below. how to change the default value of the datafiles permission from (640) to (644) internally while creating the datafile from oracle side.

-rw-r--r-- 1 orasd dba 104865792 Mar 15 01:17 users01.dbf

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Server Administration :: Resize Datafile

Mar 21, 2011

Today i am facing an error when going to rezise the datafile its fixed size is 19000M abut after truncating all tables it is 112M, but when i am going to resize its datafile to 500M its get me an error ora-03297 file contain used data beyond requested size values.

I have done the same before a week without any error.But this time i got the error

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Incomplete Recovery / Resetlogs On Just One Restored Datafile?

Feb 4, 2013

Basic situation is this: Oracle 10g database, good RMAN backup from a few days ago. We lost one datafile due to storage corruption. I restored the datafile from RMAN, no problem, and started to roll forward with our archive logs. Problem: one log is corrupted, can't be read, no other copies of it. We are stuck, cannot roll forward any further. The database is up (all activity suspended for now) -- only this one file is offline. Everything else is fine.

My question: Can i do something similar to "open resetlogs" with just the one datafile? Most of what was in the file was indexes, which can be easily dropped & recreated. But a few extents were data which I want to retain. It's old data and the archive logs subsequent to the one on which we are stuck should be pretty much irrelevant. So if i can 'force' the datafile to open up, i believe we should be OK with the little bit of data that's in there, even if we don't apply the remaining archive logs. If it's not 100% consistent we can live with that.

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Datafile Namedisplayed For SYSTEM Tablespace In Dba_data_files

Nov 23, 2011

Datafile name is +DISK_GROUP_1/oratst1/datafile/system.1122.764387443

displayed for the SYSTEM tablespace in dba_data_files.Infact, datafile name starts with +DISK_GROUP_1 for tablesspaces. Where is the reference to +DISK_GROUP_1.

What file name should I use to resize or to add new datafile to a tablespace?

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Server Administration :: Move Datafile To Another Tablespace

Feb 16, 2012

Erroneously created datafile, re: "/path/../large_rbs_03.dbf" was created under the SYSTEM tablespace which is supposedly be in the LARGE_RBS tablespace.

How do I make the said datafile be under LARGE_RBS?

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Data Guard :: Delete Datafile In Primary?

May 26, 2012

I haved drop a datafile on Primary,and the archived log has transported to Standby,but the datafile is still exist in Standby.


alter tablespace tps_hxl
drop datafile '/u02/app/oracl/oradata/hxl10.dbf';

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Server Utilities :: CSV File As Datafile In SQL Loader

Sep 5, 2010

1) can we use a CSV file as a Data file in any format (fixed, delimited...) of Sql loader. I tried, but not succeeded.

2) if not then tell me the reason for it....

3) Also tell me is there any restriction on using the file format for a datafile?

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