Backup & Recovery :: Archive Log Format

Jun 9, 2012

The log_archive_format parameter is set to %t_%s_%r.dbf,but the archive log is generate as o1_mf_1_10_7x6lby27_.arc, why?

SQL> show parameters log_archive_format;

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
log_archive_format string %t_%s_%r.dbf

[oracle@hxl 2012_06_09]$ ls -lr
total 93468
-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 51229184 Jun 9 10:00 o1_mf_1_9_7x5ckqbv_.arc
-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 43131392 Jun 9 09:01 o1_mf_1_8_7x581vgo_.arc
-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 74240 Jun 9 21:06 o1_mf_1_11_7x6lksyp_.arc
-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 1131008 Jun 9 21:02 o1_mf_1_10_7x6lby27_.arc

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Backup & Recovery :: Identify Particular Archive-log File Have Backup Or Not From RMAN Catalog?

May 30, 2012

How can be identify a particular archive-log file have backup or not from rman catalog?

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Backup & Recovery :: How To Get All Archive Logs In Backup Piece

Nov 8, 2008

Is there any way I can get all the archive log files present in a backup piece. I tried following but it always gives me all the log files for each piece:

SQL> select s.set_stamp, s.set_count, s.PIECES, s.backup_type,
s.controlfile_included from v$backup_set s, v$backup_piece p where
s.set_stamp=p.set_stamp and s.set_count=p.set_count and


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Backup & Recovery :: How To Apply Archive On Consistent Backup

Feb 15, 2011

Actually, i have test database open in read only and i want to apply archive files carry from production database at daily level.
When i'm going for recovery, since database is already in consistent state, it is not asking for recovery.

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN Hot Backup Plus Archive Log Files?

Jan 11, 2008

I had a production db with archive logging enabled

SQL> select name,status
2 from v$archived_log;

---------------------------------------- -


So i need to restore archivelogs by using sequence

So the restore is completed successfully
So its very hard to monitor archivelog files
i feel i should have included all archivelog files while taking RMAN backup

RMAN >backup database plus archivelog all delete input;

but the problem is my RMAN backup is already 360GB in size and it takes 4-5 hrs to complete .so i need to schedule RMAN backup at one time (e.g sunday) ,delete the archivelog files older than sundayand now schedule the archivelog backup at another day (e.g wed &sat)

my question is where i have to change my script to backup all avaialbe archivelog files if old archivelog files are deleted at os level?

RMAN> run {
2> allocate channel c1 type disk;
3> sql 'alter system archive log current';
4> backup archivelog all format 'D:oracleackuplog_t%t_s%s_p%p' delete input;
5> release channel c1;
6> }

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Backup & Recovery :: How To Extract Archive Log Backup Set

Jun 1, 2012

There is a archive log backupset,and the backup set contains many archive log file,and now i want extract to a directory,how can i do?

BS Key Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
------- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------------
3 86.20M DISK 00:00:21 02-JUN-12
BP Key: 3 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: NO Tag: TAG20120602T113622
Piece Name: /u02/rman_bak/20120602/archive_log_t784899382_s4_p1

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Backup & Recovery :: Backup Archive Log Files

Aug 4, 2011

I have one question to clarify regarding backup.

There is an incident that in production database 1000 archive log files generated.From 1000 files, 100 archive log files have been removed.When i take incremental backup next day , what will happen in database?

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Backup & Recovery :: Restore With Archive Log Only

Aug 9, 2013

We have a database in archive log mode. We want to restore that db to a specified point in time. What is the fastest way to do it ?

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Backup & Recovery :: Keep Archive Log All The Time?

Jun 6, 2012

after backup a full database ,the archive log need to keep all the time ?

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Backup & Recovery :: Restore Archive Log

Aug 18, 2011

I need to restore few archivelog from one of stage database to refresh dev database.

Stage database got refreshd before try to restore the arch files.

Now stage database does not contain arch sequence information.

I tried to restore arch fiels from tape using catalog connection. Is there any way to restore

channel c1: sid=521 devtype=SBT_TAPE
channel c1: Veritas NetBackup for Oracle - Release 6.5 (2007071006)

Starting restore at 18-AUG-11
released channel: c1
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of restore command at 08/18/2011 09:20:21
RMAN-06004: ORACLE error from recovery catalog database:
RMAN-20242: specification does not match any archive log in the recovery catalog

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Backup & Recovery :: Archive Log File Using RMAN

Feb 1, 2012

When we see archive log destination is full , in that case how to backup archive log files using RMAN ?

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Backup & Recovery :: Archive Log File Missed

Jan 30, 2012

Today we have taken a backup of the Live database, due to some issue, it got deleted before applying into the Disaster Recovery Location.

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Backup & Recovery :: Creating Archive Log In Network Drive?

Jul 29, 2011

create Oracle archived log to network drive instead of Local drive.

Is there anyway that i can get my archive log created on network drive instead of local drive.

As we want to save our storage space and want to keep archivelog on network.

Is there a way that if Archive log creation on Network drives falis, Oracle create Archivelog on Local drive.

We are running Data warehouse and on daily basis we have 22 to 25 Gig of Archive log created

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Backup & Recovery :: Change Archive Log Mode During DB Running?

Aug 24, 2011

changing archive mode during DB running.Before in 9.2, 'ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG START/STOP' is available for this job. But, after 10g/11g, it cause 'archive log stop has been deprecated'.

However, for my practice, I need to estimate archived logs size before backup them, so I need to stop archive log for a while and enable it later during DB running.

I check Oracle documents, it only mentions changing archive log mode at DB mounted but not open.

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Backup & Recovery :: How To Change Archive Log Destination In Oracle 10g

Jan 11, 2013

I want to change my archive log destination currently my database its in archive mode and this archive log detail as under

SQL> archive log list
Database log mode Archive Mode
Automatic archival Enabled
Archive destination F:archivelogs


this my f drive space is full so i want to change this my archive destination to my another g drive so how can i do this.and if i change this my archive destination does its affect any problem while recover my database in future.

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Backup & Recovery :: How To Check Archive Log Destination Utilization In Oracle 9i

Oct 24, 2011

Is there any view in oracle 9i like V$RECOVERY_FILE_DEST where we can check the archive destination space utilization from database end ?

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN - Missing Archive Logs Files

Oct 7, 2012

We have a nightly rman backup that was complete and clean.The backup contains a Data File, Control File and a backup Archive Log file.The database server crashed with all the subsequent archive logs lost.

We are trying to recover from the three backup files.We are bumping into the backup piece missing as all the archive logs are done. how to restore with the exising backup files. the lost archive logs are probably salvageable.

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN Recovery Failing With Incremental Level 0 Backup

Feb 10, 2011

We are trying to restore a database on the different server using RAM incremental level 0 and 1 backups. We have weekly Incremental level 0 backups along with incremental backups on daily basis. During recovery of Incremental level 0 backup, RMAN is expecting/looking for Incremental Level 0 backup of prior week as well. Is this the usual process for RMAN to look for prior level 0 backup though we need to restore from the current level 0 backup and roll forward by a week with subsequent Level 1 backup.?

We intend to restore from the Level 0 of 1/16 and roll forward with daily incrementals till 1/22. RMAN is expecting level 0 backupsets from 1/9 backup as well and keep failing since those backups are not available. quick inputs since we are in middle of recovery and trying to resolve if this is even doable.

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Backup & Recovery :: ORA-16004 / Backup Database Requires Recovery

Oct 20, 2011

Here is the details

[oracle@localhost dbs]$ export ORACLE_SID=stby
[oracle@localhost dbs]$ sqlplus '/as sysdba'
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Oct 20 09:47:34 2011
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> !
[oracle@localhost dbs]$ pwd
[oracle@localhost dbs]$ exit


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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN Backup Deleted Even Within Recovery Window

Oct 18, 2011

I have problem on using "delete obsolete" in RMAN.

First, let describe my backup configuration.

1. Full backup every Monday (17-Oct, 10-Oct, 3-Oct, 26-Sep)
2. Incremental backup for other days
3. Enable autobackup of control file
4. Backup archive log every day
6. Execute "Delete obsolete" every day
7. control file is used instead of catalog

The results observed:
1. Backup of control files older than 30 days will be deleted
2. Backup of archive log files older than 30 days will be deleted.
3. Backup of datafiles older than ~14 days but before 30 days are also DELETED.

In my example, the backup of datafiles created at 26-Sep is deleted at 16-Oct.

I tried "restore database validate until time "sysdate-22"" at 17-Oct. And RMAN reported "datafile xx will be created automatically during restore operation". It seems that RMAN failed to do restoration up to 22 days ago. The retention policy I set seems not effective on datafile backups.

I checked view v$backup_set and the "Keep" is "No" and "Keep until" is empty.

The only thing I can think of, is the settings of "CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIME". It is marked "7" in the Oracle, which is less than the retention. But I suppose this only causes the backup not deleted, but NOT be deleted earlier.

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Backup & Recovery :: SCN Based Backup Do RMAN Generate Backup From Archivelogs

Oct 18, 2012

understanding rman scn based Backup Algorithm .. In SCN based backup do rman generate backup from archivelogs ???

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Recovery Area Cannot Be Used For Archive Log?

Sep 13, 2013

I`m using the the version for testing.  I read a line as below from the OCP book.

If none of the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameters have been set, then transitioning. the database to archivelog mode will internally set LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_10 to the flash recovery area, if it has been configured. In my database the fast recovery already been set as below.

SQL> show parameter db_recovery
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
db_recovery_file_dest                string      +FASTRECOVERY
db_recovery_file_dest_size           big integer 4248M

So I thought if I turn the database into archive log mode, then the log_archive_dest_10 will be set as the same value as db_recovery_dest.

SQL> alter database archivelog;
Database altered.
SQL> alter database open;
Database altered.
SQL> show parameter log_archive_dest
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
log_archive_dest                     string
log_archive_dest_1                   string
log_archive_dest_10                  string

See, after the database become archive, the log_archive_dest_10 still be empty.  So is there any thing wrong with my understanding?

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Backup & Recovery :: 2 Separate RMAN Backup One Backup Is Of Only Datafile

Jan 24, 2011

I have 2 seperate rman backup one backup is of only datafile ,spfile and controlfile which i am able to restore and recover without any problem say bkp1 taken at 10 am

other set of backup is of only archive log files of same day but later time than datafile backup say bkp2 taken at 8pm...if i restore and recover bkp1 and try to restore bkp2 it gives error datafile exist (possibly due to fact both backup have control file)

if i just restore bkp1 and try to restore bkp2 so that i can do one recover at time
it gives error datafile permission issue (possibly due to fact both backup have control file)

I want to restore database upto 8pm time how can i use both bkp1 and bkp2 to do it(restore datafiles and apply all archive logs on it)

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Backup Of Archive Files

Dec 1, 2010

I am running the following command to backup my archive logs and want to keep at least two hours of .arc files on disk.

rman < connect target login/password
connect catalog login/password
show all;
sql "alter system archive log current";
backup filesperset 5 archivelog until time 'sysdate-2/24'
delete input ;
resync catalog;

On some occassions, there will not be any archive logs that meet this criteria and I get the following error:

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of backup command at 12/01/2010 12:50:58
RMAN-06004: ORACLE error from recovery catalog database: RMAN-20242: specificati
on does not match any archive log in the recovery catalog

Is there anything I can do to the rman command above that will prevent this error from happening but yet keeping same functionality?

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RMAN Archive Log Backup

Mar 27, 2013

We are having an intermittent problem related to failing RMAN archive log backups. Normally everything works fine but once every fortnight or so the archive log backup starts to fail with the below message. We run two Oracle instances on this windows box, so they are using same oracle and TSM client binaries, but it is only of the instances that have this problem - the largest instance though. Restarting the Oracle instance solves the problem and everything is back to normal, until next time ...

This is the error message in the rman log file
CODERMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03009: failure of allocate command on c1 channel at 03/27/2013 11:00:29
ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel

Alert log contains this
CODEWed Mar 27 11:00:27 2013
Exception [type: ACCESS_VIOLATION, UNABLE_TO_READ] [ADDR:0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF] [PC:0x7716324E, 000000007716324E]
Errors in file R:\ORA_DATA\SDC002\diag\rdbms\sdc002\sdc002\trace\sdc002_ora_12328.trc  (incident=523573):
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [PC:0x7716324E] [ACCESS_VIOLATION] [ADDR:0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF] [PC:0x7716324E] [UNABLE_TO_READ] []
Incident details in: R:\ORA_DATA\SDC002\diag\rdbms\sdc002\sdc002\incident\incdir_523573\sdc002_ora_12328_i523573.trc

Trace file
Trace file R:\ORA_DATA\SDC002\diag\rdbms\sdc002\sdc002\trace\sdc002_ora_12328.trc
Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
Windows NT Version V6.1 Service Pack 1
CPU : 40 - type 8664, 20 Physical Cores
Process Affinity : 0x0x0000000000000000
Memory (Avail/Total): Ph:85656M/147445M, Ph+PgF:96175M/157683M
Instance name: sdc002
Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
Oracle process number: 57
Windows thread id: 12328, image: ORACLE.EXE (SHAD)

*** 2013-03-27 11:00:27.255
*** SESSION ID:(530.31175) 2013-03-27 11:00:27.255
*** CLIENT ID:() 2013-03-27 11:00:27.255
*** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2013-03-27 11:00:27.255
*** MODULE NAME:(rman.exe) 2013-03-27 11:00:27.255
*** ACTION NAME:(0000001 STARTED1) 2013-03-27 11:00:27.255

Exception [type: ACCESS_VIOLATION, UNABLE_TO_READ] [ADDR:0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF] [PC:0x7716324E, 000000007716324E]

*** 2013-03-27 11:00:27.473
Incident 523573 created, dump file: R:\ORA_DATA\SDC002\diag\rdbms\sdc002\sdc002\incident\incdir_523573\sdc002_ora_12328_i523573.trc
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [PC:0x7716324E] [ACCESS_VIOLATION] [ADDR:0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF] [PC:0x7716324E] [UNABLE_TO_READ] []

I have the incident file as well if that is of any use.

Could the problem be related to running two backups in parallel?

We run full backups once a week and both this time and last time the archive log backup failed it was in conjunction to when the full backup also was running.

Is there any other solution to the problem than restarting the oracle instance?

Since this is a busy production instance it is a big problem for us to restart it outside of maintenance windows.

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RMAN :: Archive Log Backup

Feb 13, 2013

We have 100 archive log files out of that 20 archive log file are deleted, We want take full Database backup plus archivelog files using RMAN

Is it possible to take backup without 20 archivelog file using RMAN?
Is it possible to take full database backup with 80 archivelog file using RMAN?

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Recovery Manager (RMAN) :: Not Deleting Archive Logs

Aug 6, 2012

I have Oracle 10gR2 database on a windows server, I have scheduled rman backup for this database from Solaris server

set echo onrun {
crosscheck archivelog all;
backup check logical database plus archivelog;
delete noprompt obsolete device type DISK;

It is deleting the obsolete backup pieces but it is not deleting old archive logs (obsolete archive logs) and it is not even showing old archives as obsolete when I check thru report obsolete

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RMAN :: Incremental Backup - Archive Log?

Jun 6, 2012

We are going to implement oracle 11g. Now I wanna use rman to take the incremental backup in the follwing way:

Level-0 backup weekly, in the way:

allocate channel c1 type disk;
allocate channel c2 type disk;
BACKUP incremental level 0 DATABASE
TAG 'Weekly_full' FORMAT 'E:RMAN_backupweekly_full_%d_%Y%M%D_s%s_p%p.bak';
backup archivelog all not backed up 1 times delete input
TAG 'Weekly_full_arc' FORMAT 'E:RMAN_backupweekly_full_arc_%d_%Y%M%D_s%s_p%p.bak';


and RETENTION POLICY TO RECOVERY WINDOW is set to 10 days, so that there is no chance that i will delete expired backup before taking backup.

Now my question is,

1) Is the way is correct that there is no wrong configuration. My main concern is about archive log, is it correct?

2) As i am deleting archive log files with the backup and after that the expired archive log backup is also deleted, so is there any chance of failure in recovery.

3) here how archive log backup will work with 10 days retention policy.

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Recovery Manager (RMAN) :: Archive Logs Group By Dates

Apr 30, 2013

This is the folder groupings of our archivelog folder:

oracle@sdb51:/u01/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area/PROD/archivelog> ls -lt
total 32
drwxr-x--- 2 oracle oinstall 4096 2013-04-30 12:42 2013_04_30
drwxr-x--- 2 oracle oinstall 4096 2013-04-29 12:35 2013_04_29
drwxr-x--- 2 oracle oinstall 4096 2013-04-28 23:42 2013_04_28
drwxr-x--- 2 oracle oinstall 4096 2013-04-24 12:20 2013_04_24
drwxr-x--- 2 oracle oinstall 4096 2013-04-23 22:00 2013_04_23
drwxr-x--- 2 oracle oinstall 4096 2013-04-21 02:01 2013_04_21
drwxr-x--- 2 oracle oinstall 4096 2013-04-19 22:00 2013_04_19
drwxr-x--- 2 oracle oinstall 4096 2013-04-18 18:46 2013_04_18

Are there supposedly complete folder by dates each day? So I am missing archivelogs of 27th, 26th,25th, etc?

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Data Guard :: Archive To Complete Recovery On Standby Database

Oct 22, 2013

i have found an issue regarding log archiving on dest1. yesterday one sequence number 76871 not archive to dest1.alert logfile content as follow. i configure standby and ship archive manually with window copy command. i need this archive to complete recovery on standby database.

Mon Oct 21 09:29:28 2013
ARC2: Completed archiving log# 3 seq# 76869
Mon Oct 21 09:39:28 2013
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 76871
Current log# 2 seq# 76871 mem# 0: D:ORACLEORADATAORC1REDO02.LOG

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