Application Express :: Form On A Table With Report

Apr 24, 2013

I have one question. Is possible export form to CSV (or PDF) for example? If it is, what is the process?

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Application Express :: How To Make Form With Report And Insert Form In Same Page

Dec 14, 2012

how to make a form with report and an insert form in the same page, these two forms are related to the same table. Our customer wants a user can add new row to the table in a form and see all of rows created by this user in a report, this report should provide edit link as well. the problem is: whenever I inserted a new row or edit a row or delete a row, and submitted, and return to this page, all of hidden items lost their values, so report is blank, and some display only items also lost their values.

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Application Express :: Create Items Context Help Editable Report Or Report And Form App

May 9, 2013

How do I create Items context help editable report or report & form app?

what is its table?

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Application Express :: How To Add Delete Function To A Form With Report That Is Already Created

Apr 11, 2013

I am not familiar with form with report in APEX. I have a lot of forms with reports that was created before, but they have only create buttons. Now I need to add edit and delete buttons. I wish I do not have to recreate forms with reports. But when I tried to add delete function by comparing a form with delete button created by APEX, but it does not work. the delete button does not react at all.

setting is as follows:

button style: template based button
button template: Button
button type: normal
action: redirect to URL
execute validation: NO
URL target: javascript:apex.confirm(htmldb_delete_message,'DELETE');
database action: SQL delete action
condition type: value of item / column in expression1 is not null
expression1: P2172_ALIAS_ID

I also enable the delete in the process of :"Process Row of SOR_ALIAS"

If I set action of delete button as submit page, I can delete the row, but no standard popup warning,

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Application Express :: Save Form Changes When Click Report Link Column

Jun 19, 2013

Apex I have a page with a Form region and a Classic Report region. How can I automatically save changes made in the Form when a user clicks the Edit link column in the Report? At the moment, when the user returns to the Form, any changes made there are lost. 

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Application Express :: On Button Click To Fill Out Form On Same Page As Report

Jun 27, 2012

I have a report that contains a name that I want to pass in to a field in a form on a different region on the same page. My button located on the report is has its own column called ADD_LINK. Here is the button.

<button id="apexir_btn_ADD" class="apexir-button" type="button" value="Add" onclick=""><span>Add</span></button>

Once that button is clicked, I have the form region fade in. The region is called Add Tag to Employee, which has P4_ROWID, P4_EMPLOYEE_ID, and P4_TAG_ID. Once the region is displayed, I want the #NAME# to show in the P4_EMPLOYEE_ID.

I did copy this form from another page, where I had it working before. It made more sense to move it to this page for interface purposes, so maybe that tidbit will work as well.

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Application Express :: How To Make Report Column Non-editable In Master-detail Form

Jun 20, 2013

I have created a master-detail form. The detail columns are created as report columns instead of getting created as Items. I need to make a column non-editable.

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Application Express :: Dynamic Action In Report Region In Master Detail Form

Nov 7, 2013

I have created a master detail form , in which many validation etc is done ,the MASTER is a FORM  and DETAIL is a REPORTNow I am stuck up with the detail region .i.e reportI have Line Detail where there are ITEMS such as SL NO:

,ITEM_ID , UOM ( Unit of measuremnt ) etcNow here is where

Using POP UP LOV i have managed to fetch in LOV for the item "ITEM_ID",---

i can select an item name using the pop up LOV ,Now all that I want is when I select an item name from the pop up lov , an Item Id is displayed or fetched in that particular place , now i want the corresponding UOM to be diaplayed  ( i.e the UOM for that particular Item Id which has been selected by me from the pop up lov ). 

In order to resolve this I created a Dynamic action where in I get the UOM . Bt the problem is that the ITEMS displayed for selecting in the WHEN section (DYNAMIC action-IDENTIFICATION section-WHEN section----- items (  here i am not listed with ITEMS of the REPORT region instead ITEMS of the MASTER is available )-TRUE ACTION section etc is only theITEMS of the MASTER region ..

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Application Express :: Insert Into History Table When Update Action Is Performed On Tabular Form View Or Table

Aug 24, 2013

My scenario is I need to insert into History table when a record is been updated into a tabular form(insert the updated record along with the additional columns Action_by,Action_type(Like Update or delete) and Action Date Into History table i.e History table contains all the records as the main table which is been visible in tabular form along with these additional columns ...Action_by,action_type and action_date.

So now i dont want to create a befor/after update trigger on base table rather i would like to create a generic procedure which will insert the updated record into history table taking the page alias and pade ID as the parameters(GENERIC procedure is nothing but whcih applies to all the tabular forms(Tables) contained int he application ).

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Application Express :: No Data Found When Running Form Based On Table?

May 10, 2013

I thought this was the easy bit in APEX when you just create a form based on a table, with some validations etc. and use it to insert,update data. However on inserting the first record, I get the following error:

is_internal_error: false
ora_sqlcode: 100
ora_sqlerrm: ORA-01403: no data found


The form is based on a table with a primary key and the primary key is populated from an APEX-generated sequence.

I tried recreating the form, but still no good and now I get the no data error even when clicking "RUN" at page level, so the page does not even display.

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Application Express :: Creating Form Based On Table After Patching Apex

Aug 16, 2013

We use Apex 4.2 with Apex Listener. Recently we patched apex to 4.2.2 and now when we try to create a form based on a table, after selecting the schema and table we get the following error: "You do not have access to the schema that you are importing.

Import failed" I've seen some posts regarding this error but nothing that works with my current situation. The database grants are in place.

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Application Express :: Show Count From Another Table In A Report

May 29, 2013

I am using Apex 3.2...I have the following sql in a report

a.jobid jobid,
a.jobid related_jobs,
to_char(a.startdate, ' hh24:mi:ss') startdate,
to_char(a.enddate, ' hh24:mi:ss') enddate

from jobs aI would like to show a count from another table where the jobid = jobid from the above sql.The problem is I don't know how to refer to the jobid in my extra sql.Here is my extra sql for the new count column.

(select count(1)
from jobs a, loghead b, dba_scheduler_job_run_details c
where a.logid = b.logid
and b.session_id(+) = c.session_id
and a.jobid = :P3_JOBID) no_of_related_jobs.

This will not work because :P3_JOBID is a page item.I have also tried #JOBID#, but got en error, as it was not recognised.

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Application Express :: Creating A Report Not Based On A Table?

Jun 10, 2013

In APEX I've always created form on report so as to have the list of records of a table and the possibility of inserting/updating every sinle record by means of the form on it, ok?I have an application concerning classic costumers, orders, ... with a table for every item.

The problem is that I have to gather all information ao as to produce a classic bill with a typical layout where you have on your left some descriptions and on your right an amount but of course the layout is not based on a classic table, do you mean?Do I have to create a table in which I'll add data and null values so as to get the layout desired

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Application Express :: Compare Entries Of Tabular Form Column Against Lookup Table Or Item

Mar 28, 2013

I use APEX 4.2.0. In Tabular form, I have column of Select list type. This list has too many values and the end user must choose all these values along the tabular form rows. In other words, If the LOV consists of X, Y , Z, The End user should add three rows and choose a unique value for each row.

The problem is : This LOV is supposed to have too many values. What comes to mind is:

1- Whenever the end user picks a value, this value should disappear from the LOV of the second row ? But I have no clue how to do it?
2- Whenever the end use picks a value, I should notify him/her about the remaining values that he should pick . But I have no clue how to do it ?

At the end the purpose is to make the user aware that he still has some rows to add ( values to choose ... )

I simplified the issue in simple example here:


workspace: somefeto
user: test
pwd: test

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Application Express :: Image Stored In Table Is Not Showing In HTML Or Report Region

Aug 22, 2012

I am using apex 4.1 and database as oracle 11g. I uploaded images and stored in table structure as shown below

>> (     "ID" NUMBER,
>>     "MIME_TYPE" VARCHAR2(64),
>> )

My Requirement is to show the image in a report region as well as in a html region. I followed the methods in the URL links mentioned below.



But the image is not getting populated in the region, I tried with display_item with image i am able to view the image using this item.

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Application Express :: Saving Private Interactive Report Overwrites The Primary Report

Dec 10, 2012

Having this issue in Apex 4.1.1 and 4.2 (haven't tried it in versions prior to 4.1.1 yet). So I got my standard IR, and trying to create a private report with control breaks, aggregations.

Once I save it as a private report, It applies the same on my primary report.

It's no big issue as I can flip back to Primary report and delete the control breaks, aggregations but is some kind of bug? Ideally it shouldn't modify my primary report unless I try to save it as "Default Report Setting".

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Application Express :: Re-execute Single SQL Report On Multi-Report Page

Oct 25, 2013

I have a Page containing 3 reports and I was wondering if it is possible to re-execute only one of the these reports using a button or preferably a Select List which allows me to choose which of the 3 reports I wish to 'refresh/re-execute'. I may be totally wrong here but I assumed that choosing the option to submit a Page will cause all regions to refresh i.e. re-execute the SQL queries they are 'based on'.

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Application Express :: Report Not Initially Sorted As Defined By Report Attributes Sort Sequence

Nov 1, 2012

I have a Report Region with Type SQL Query and Source "SELECT * FROM <table>" where <table> has a primary key from a sequence. Under Report Attributes, I have Report Column "ST_NM" with Show and Sort checked and having a Sort Sequence of "1". I assume this is to set the iniital display sequence but regardless, the report rows display in Primary key order initially.

To try it: [URL]

1) How do I set the initial display sequence to be other than the primary key sequence?

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Application Express :: Test Report Button On Report Queries?

Jul 20, 2012

What is the code/javascript/url behind the test report button on report queries component?

We are having DSN problems using the print url given on the report query. The URL works for some of our developers and not for others.

The test report button on the report query appears to work for everyone but I do not know what is behind the "Test Report" button. If I could recreate the test report button on our page this would be GREAT!

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Application Express :: Interactive Report Functionality For Classic Report?

Jun 27, 2012

I have to implement IR report search functionality (*when ever we click on column header it will display all the values in that particular column , once we click on particular value , the report will filter based on that particular value * ) in classic report .

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Application Express :: Classic Report - Logo In PDF Report

Apr 12, 2013

I have created a classic report in Apex. Have enabled the print PDF link on the report for the business users to download it in a PDF format. Is is possible to put a logo in a downloaded PDF from the report?

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Application Express :: Unable To See Items Of Detail Form In Master Detail Form In Page Details?

Oct 31, 2013

I created a master-detail form using wizard in oracle apex 4.2 Now I want to attach an LOV to one of the items of detail form, which is visible on the same window as of master form. To do so, I need to first find the item in detail page, details of which are not available in page definitions. I can see all the items of master form but none for detail form in "Page Rendering" section. 

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Application Express :: Modify Form Layout Of Existing Application?

Feb 22, 2013

I have to modify the Form layout of an existing application (Application Express 4.0.2.) where the data for each field is retrieved using SQL statements

Presently the form looks something like this and the Data for each field is rendered properly in this layout:

UNIT # :         123456
ADMISSION #: 2012101510         DISCHARGE DATE:                 ADMISSION DATE:
FIRST NAME:   JON                     LAST NAME: DOEFIRST NAME, LAST NAME and UNIT # are all "Display Only" item type.

What I'm trying to do is to move "FIRST NAME" underneath "LAST NAME" and "UNIT #" next to "LAST NAME" This part is very simple. However, the issue I'm having is as soon as the "UNIT #" is moved next to "FIRST NAME", the data for "FIRST NAME" and "LAST NAME" simply disappear

This is how it looks
ADMISSION #: 2012101510         DISCHARGE DATE:                 ADMISSION DATE:
FIRST NAME:                             UNIT #: 123456

I have played around for hours and even created from scratch a new page with a new form using SQL statements to pull the data for each field, only to get the same result.

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Application Express :: Check Box In Tabular Form 4.1

Sep 14, 2012

How i can use check box in tabular form . working with 4.1 and am using simple check box (display as) .it creating the check box. how i can set value yes or no into it?

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Application Express :: Registration Form For Events?

Nov 6, 2012

registration forms for events (like Technology days and so on) with Apex? I want to build up something like that where customers can register for several events.

What is needed:

registration form with a limited registration (e. g. 80 customers) e. g. create a trigger?

show how many seats are still available

cancel of the registration

I´m using Apex 4.1

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Application Express :: Tabular Form With Updates In 4.1

Dec 5, 2012

This problem went away for me in 4.2, but I am limited to 4.1 in production. The problem is this: I have three editable columns in my Tabular Form

1) I make a change to column 3 and press submit. The values in columns 1 & 2 (that were not changed) are overwritten with null during the update (submit). Column 3 is saved correctly.

I deleted my tabular form and re-created it thinking that I may have trashed something. But it appears that is the way it works. How do I prevent the unchanged editable columns from being overwritten with nulls?

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Application Express :: Dynamic Tabular Form

Jul 9, 2012

I have one table that holds a list of People...

Another that holds Classifications

Another that holds Sub Classifications (linked to the Classification table)

PersonID, PersonName
ClassID, ClassName
SubClassID, SubClassName

I need a form that will allow me to put Classifications and Sub Classifications against a Person. I want to be able to add new Classifications and SubClass Values which are dynamical added to the form...

I have a table that holds other data and links the People to the Assessment

AssessmentID, PersonID, Date, AssessorName, Notes

I have a table to hold the Values of the Assessment...

AValuesID, AssessmentID, ClassID, SubClassID
A typical person may look like:

Class1(Programming C++)

Now I have the data tables but how to create the table and save the values for the Assessment Values in one table the dynamically adds values based on the different classifications available...

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Application Express :: Defaulting In Tabular Form

Jun 7, 2012

I got stuck in trying to add a simple fixed number (e.g. -1) to a field in case the database-fields is still null.

I supposed I could use report attributes > column attributes tabular form attributes, and then use Default Type and Default but nothing seems to work.

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Application Express :: DateTime Calculations On A Form

Jul 19, 2012

Version of the database you are using: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
Version of Application Express:

I have a requirement that is driving me stark raving bonkers.

I have a form that a user fills out, it sets the Status to 'Open' and I capture the Date Created On in a hidden field. When someone goes back in to the Form and sets the Status to 'Closed' I capture the Date Closed On in a hidden field. I need to calculate how many hours that it took to close the issue and display it on the form.

I found some javascript that does this

<script type="text/javascript">
var msecPerMinute = 1000 * 60;
document.write("msecPerMinute -" + msecPerMinute + "<br />")
var msecPerHour = msecPerMinute * 60;

While I can get it to work from dreamweaver I cannot get it to work from APEX. Both of my date fields in my database are defined as:

Fractional Precision: 6

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Application Express :: 4.2 Tabular Form Number Of Rows Bug?

Oct 25, 2012

When I build simple tabular form in APEX 4.2 it displayed 10 rows per page by default. When I changed that number in Number of Rows field to 15 nothing happens. Again only 10 rows per page were displayed. Next field on the right to Number of Rows is Number of Rows (Item). Tabular form works as expected when I use this field and define number of rows with hidden page item. So workaround issue (bug?) is easy. Is this some kind of bug or I miss something obvious?

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